Can you forgive me?

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Ellie POV

I wake up feeling less then crap, god I'm aching all over and my head feels like it's going to explode. I slowly open my eyes and I'm met with bright lights. I feel someone squeeze my hand. My mind instantly hoping it's Bucky.
"Bucky?" I whisper
"Ellie? It's me Steve"
"Steve?" I turn my head and he smiles "hey Sparky"
I smile "hey. What happened?"
"You landed at the compound half dead and Bruce saved you"
I turn and see Bruce smiling at me "thanks Brucie"
"Your welcome Ellie"

I turn back to steve "where's Bucky?"
"He hates me doesn't he?"
He shakes his head "no Ellie, he could never hate you"
He squeezes my hand "he's just upset, seeing you like that. It broke him"
"I didn't mean...."
"He knows. He does. It's just going to take some time okay"
I nod and I see Tony, Nat and everyone come in. Everyone except Bucky.

"Hey sparks"
"Hi Tony"
He walks towards me and kisses my forehead "you scared me half to death"
"I know, I'm sorry"
He shakes his head "you don't have to apologise, i understand. Just don't run away again please"
I nod "I won't. I took out a lot of hydra. Specially with that last bomb"
"We heard. Impressive"
"I did what I had too. Was Josh.....?"
"He's buried by the big oak tree, surrounded by flowers"
I nod and try my hardest to hold in my tears. I can't show weakness right now. I still have so much to do.

"Thank you. All of you. And I'm sorry, for just leaving. I understand if your all mad at me"
Nat walks towards me "we are mad at you, we should have done this as a team"
"I know"
Nat shakes her head "you could have died Ellie, we wouldn't have even known"
She storms out of the room and I lean my head back, feeling like my head is banging.
Steve places his hand on my shoulder "get some rest okay"
I nod and he kisses my head before everyone leaves. I feel myself nodding off, I can't keep my eyes open anymore.

Bucky POV

I've been avoiding Ellie's hospital room, I can't look at her right now. I'm mad at her and I was unbelievably scared when I saw her, she looked so broken. I see steve walking towards me and looks upset.
"How is she?"
"Tired, broken. Her first word when she woke up was Bucky"
I look up at him and sigh "I can't see her right now"
"I get your mad Bucky I do, but she needs you"

"Yeah well she didn't need me before so why would she now"
"Don't be so petty Bucky. You know why she did it"
I groan "I'm going for a walk"
I walk away and I hear him call after me but I just ignore him. I need space and I need not to be here right now. I wanted her back but now she is I can't stop the anger I have. I don't know how I'm going to get past this, I don't know how to forgive her. I don't know how to go back.

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