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Ellie POV

I'm woken by raised voices outside my door, I'm not sure who but they don't sound happy. As I make my way over I open and see Nat and Steve standing there, blood all over them and Nat is crying.
"What's going on?"
They both look over at me and Nat pulls me into a hug, she cries into my shoulder and I hold her close.
"Guys? What happened?" I start to look around, I can't see Bucky. He would come straight to me if he was back.
"Steve? Where's Bucky?"
He looks to the floor and I take a step back from
Nat, feeling my powers starting to run through me.

"Answer me steve"
"He was taken"
"What? By who?"
He shakes his head "Steve I swear to god, tell me now"
"Men who work for your father"
"Why aren't you out there trying to find him?"
"We wouldn't know where to start Ellie" Nat says and she stands by me.
"We'll find someone who does" I go to walk past them but I'm stopped by steve grabbing my arm.
"Let go!"
"Ellie calm down. We have someone here who we can get information from"

Steve takes a deep breath "your father"
I turn shocked at what he just said
"My father? Is here?"
He nods and Nat lays her hand on my shoulder
"We think he had them take Bucky so he could be insurance I guess, a way to trade his life"
"There will be no trading of anything. I'll get him to talk" I storm past before they can stop me, heading straight for the cells. I hear steve and Nat behind me. As I get to the cell, I see Tony standing in front of him.
"Tony move!"
Tony turns and steps towards me "Ellie..."

Tony moves over and I finally set eyes on my father, the man who walked away from my mother while she was pregnant. The man who kidnapped me and turned me into a monster, the man who ordered other men to beat, tourture and rape me. The man who has my Bucky.
"Sarah, it's so nice to see you"
"Can't say the same. And my name is Ellie"
"Now now. Let's keep it civil shall we"
"Civil. Says a man who had his own daughter raped"
"Young men they have no control"
I scoff and walk towards him, placing my hand on his and send a powerful shock of electricity through him.

He groans as I see my power flowing, seeing him in pain seems therapeutic to me. I pull back and see his head droop.
"You've been practicing"
"I've been training so I can kill you"
"Kill me? Now now. You won't get your precious Bucky back if you do that"
"No your right I won't. But I will not hand you back to hydra. So instead I'm going to go into your mind and find out where your keeping him. It's going to be a slow and painful way to die. Then after I'm finished I'm going to go there and I'm going to end hydra once and for all."
He starts laughing "really? You think you can do all that"

"With us by her side yes she can" Tony says as he stands beside me.
"Your nothing to her. I'm her father"
"Tony, Steve, Nat everyone there my family, they are the ones who have helped me. Bucky, he's the love of my life. My soulmate and you taking him from me is the worst mistake you will ever make"
Before he can say anything else, I place my hands on either side of his head and push all my
Power to his brain, to allow me to open up his memories and find out where they are keeping Bucky.

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