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Ellie POV

It's been a week since Joshua was taken to the raft, I know Tony is trying everything to have him moved to the compound but fury is being stubborn. I haven't spoken to Tony really, not like we used too. I'm still so mad at him, Tony has always looked out for me and I'm so grateful for that but he made the wrong choice this time and I just hope he can fix it. I've just finished my work out with steve and Bucky and I'm showered and dressed for the day. I don't have any missions planned this week so I'm hoping to catch up on a few things I have been neglecting.

As I walk to the kitchen, I see Tony with fury and some other men I don't recognise and then I see Joshua. I run in and I notice the bruise on his face, his hands in cuffs and there red and sore.
"What the hell?" Everyone looks to me, I rush towards Joshua but am held back by one of the agents.
"I suggest you let me go"
Fury looks at him and nods, I get to Joshua, cupping his cheeks "are you okay?"
He shakes his head and I see tears running down his face.

"Get these cuffs of him now!!" I turn to fury and I can see the anger on his face from my demand.
"Not happening agent he is still dangerous"
"Fury I swear to god...."
"Hey Woah" Tony steps in the way before I can do any damage. He notices the sparks coming from my fingers.
"Nick I really would suggest you move the cuffs before she lets loose"
He grunts and I see one of the agents walk over and roughly take the cuffs from him. Tony still standing in front of me so I won't hurt anyone.

I wrap Josh into my arms and hold him close.
"What the hell is going on? And why is he bruised?"
"Things got out of hand. It's been sorted and he is moving here" fury says to me as if there isn't a problem that a 15 year old boy is standing in front of me bruised and marked.
"Out of hand?? For fuck sake fury he is a boy"
"Yeah he is but he is dangerous. Now he is staying here but he will be going down to the cells. He needs maximum security"
"What? No!"

Tony turns to look at me "Ellie please. It's this or he goes back"
I can't believe what I'm hearing "fine. But I take care of him. Your not leaving those dickheads here"
"Fury. Just take it. Otherwise she will loose it with you"
"Fine. If he kills anyone it's on you"
I shake my head and walk Josh towards the kitchen sink so I can clean his wrists. I hear Tony talking with fury but I try not to listen otherwise I'll end up more angry.

"Are you okay?" I ask Josh as he looks to the ground and winces while I'm cleaning his wound.
He shakes his head and I hear him sniffing. I wrap my arms around him and hold him close. He is shaking, he is so scared.
I look up and I see Bucky standing there with a concerned look on his face. I feel Joshua tense up and hide behind me. Then I hear him whisper "winter solider"
I turn quickly and look at him "no Josh, he isn't the winter solider anymore I promise"
Bucky steps forward very slowly and puts a smile on his face.
"Hi Joshua"

Josh looks at me and I nod "Hi"
"That's a nasty wound you have on your wrist. Can I have a look?" I like the fact Bucky is asking for permission. He knows what this feels like.
Josh slowly nods his head and Bucky takes his arm in his hand very gently.
"Banner has some ointment he can put on this to help it heal ok. But it's stings like a bitch. You okay with that?"
Josh looks at me almost for permission "ok"
"Do you want to follow me?" Bucky says while heading towards the door.
I wanted to stay here so I could talk to Tony but Josh had a hold of my arm and I don't think he was going to let go.

"I'll come with you okay" he looks at me and nods. I can't believe how scared he is. This is not how he should have been treated. I'm so angry but right now I need to focus on helping him
And then I can take my anger out on hydra when I find them.

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