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Steve POV

Fury pulls out a brief case and opens it up, handing Wanda a syringe full of blue liquid.
"What's that?" I ask as Wanda takes it from him.
"It's basically what Ellie and Josh were made with, it has healing properties. Her father has made it so Ellie is effectively lost in her own mind, this will help bring her back with a little push from Wanda here" he says looking over at Wanda.
"What do I do?" She asks
"Inject her, then enter her mind. Give her a gentle push back to reality"
She nods before turning to Bruce, he administers the injection and Wanda begins.

"What about Bucky?"
Fury turns to me "I think we know where he is"
"Follow me"
We walk out of the room and he heads towards the conference room. I see Maria sitting there and a bunch of computers surrounding her.
"What's going on?"
"When Ellie was in her fathers mind, we were able to capture it. We think we have found Barnes's location"
She turns the laptop around and I see a map.
"Ok. Let go. Time to suit up"

Wanda POV

I'm swimming through Ellie's memories, most of them bad the odd one here and there good. She went through so much and yet she is still standing. I eventually feel like I've done what I needed too, as I leave her mind, I look to Bruce to see if she is ok.
"Stable. Just need her to wake up"
I nod and take a seat by her side, holding her hand and willing her to come back to us. I just hope Steve can find Bucky before it's too late.

I don't realise but I must dose off at some point as I'm awakened by someone flinching next to me. I open my eyes and look to see Ellie staring back at me.
"Ellie? Oh thank god!" I wrap my arms around her but she doesn't reciprocate the hug.
As I pull away she looks so scared and confused.
"Who.....who are you?"
I gasp "you don't know me?"
She shakes her head "where am I? What's going on?"

She sits up and starts to take off all the wires attached to her.
"Ellie. You here at the avengers compound, do you remember?"
She shakes her head "ok what do you remember?"
"I was taken by hydra. They trained me to kill." She starts to look around frantically "is this a test? Am I being tested?"
I place my hand on her arm and she flinches back "no Ellie, your not being tested. Your safe now, Tony....Iron Man he saved you from hydra."

"No.....i.......I don't........"
"It's okay. You've been through trauma, it maybe your minds way of protecting itself. But I'm Wanda and I promise you can trust me okay"
She nods and just as she seems to be calming down, I hear the door to the infirmary swing open, I look and see Bucky bloody and broken. He looks over to Ellie and sighs in relief, he rushes towards her before I can stop him. Wrapping her in his arms. She struggles to get free and hides behind me.

"Baby? What's wrong? Wanda?"
I feel Ellie shaking behind me and she whispers "winter solider"
I see the hurt in Bucky's eyes and he looks to me "she doesn't remember anything Bucky. None of us."
"What? Why? How?" He looks back to Ellie "sparky come on, it's me. I love you and you love me. Please come back to me"
She stays hidden behind me and I see Bucky crumble. He rushes out of the room and I turn to see Ellie looking even more confused.
"I love the winter solider?"
"There is a lot to explain. Come on"

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