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Ellie POV

"Okay Josh just concentrate ok"
He nods and closes his eyes before letting out a stream of fire from his hands. I can't help but smile and tear up, this is the first time he has been able to hold it and control it correctly.
"Well done Josh" he pulls the fire back and I walk over to him to give him a hug.
"I did it" he smiles
"Yeah you did. Go clean up and I'll bring you some food okay"
"Thank you ellie for everything"
"Your welcome"

I see him walk past bucky and he gives him a high 5, Josh walks out with an agent escorting him and Bucky comes to me.
"You did it"
I shake my head "no he did"
He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me tight "you deserve some credit too you know"
"Mmmmm. Thank you"
"For what?" He chuckles
"For everything. You've been there for me these past few months, well these past few years so thank you"
"You are more then welcome. Come on you need to eat and shower" he pulls a face and I can't help but slap his chest.

We walk out of the training room and grab some food before making our way to eat with Josh. We did this every evening and I know Josh truly appreciates Bucky talking with him and helping him deal with what he's been through. When we get down there I see Tony standing inside Josh's cell.
"What are you doing here?"
"Ellie calm down"
"No. What do you want Tony?"
"I was just telling Josh that I've managed to get fury to agree on him having a room, next to you"
I'm shocked "really?"

"Yes. He has seen the footage of his training and can't deny he's in control now so he didn't really have a choice"
Josh smiles at me "I'm free"
"Yeah bud, Bucky can you help Josh to his room"
"Of course. Come on man"
They walk away and I turn to face Tony, he is standing there awkwardly.
"Thank you Tony"
"Your welcome. I'm sorry it took me so long"
I nod "better late then never right"

"Ellie, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about all of this. I should have listened to you and I'm just so sorry. I never meant to hurt you or make you hate me"
I shake my head "Tony I never hated you. I could never hate you."
"Tony I'm mad at you, I'm mad at you for not listening to me and for not trusting me. But I still love you. Your my big brother, blood or not and without you I wouldn't be standing here today. I would never hate you"
He looks so sad and I can't help but walk towards him and wrap my arms around him. I know he isn't much of a hugger but I think we both need this.

He wraps his arms around me and squeezes "I missed you sparky"
"I missed you too metal man"
He laughs and hugs me closer before pulling away.
"Go help the kid settle in"
"Thank you Tony" I kiss his cheek and walk towards the rooms. Feeling so much better now that Josh is out of his cell and me and Tony are ok. As I get to Josh's room, I see Bucky showing him everything and he is smiling so much. I walk in and Josh runs to me hugging me tight.
"Thank you so much Ellie"
"Your welcome honey"
Bucky looks over at me and winks, I can't help but smile.

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