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Ellie POV

It's been a few weeks since Josh was given his room and everything has been great, he has settled in well with the team and he is doing so well with his training. Everyone is helping and he is looks so much happier and healthier. He is even getting along with Tony, once Tony apologised for what happened Josh was happy to start fresh and now there always talking about mechanics. Josh still hides in his room whenever fury decides to drop round for a visit. Which I don't really blame him, I want to hide when fury comes.

Today is my birthday, so Tony has decided he wants to throw some big lavish party. Of course I tried to talk him out of it but he was adamant that's what he wanted to do. He is still trying to make up for what happened, I've already told him I forgive him so there is no need. But he is Tony and he will do what he wants. Nat came shopping with me so I could get a dress, the dress she forced me to buy is short and very showy which isn't me. But she said if I hope to get buckys attention then I need to wear it. Of course she figured out I have feelings for him, she's a spy for goodness sake.

So I've just put the finishing touches to my
Make up and I'm ready to go. I hear a knock and presume it's Nat.
"Come in" the door opens and there she stands looking like the goddess that she is.
"Wow! Nat you look hot, steve isn't going to know what to do with himself"
She laughs "this is not for steve. And forget about me, look at you. Woah sexy mama"
I feel the blush rise in my cheeks and shake my head.
"You don't think it's too much"
"No way. He is definitely going to take notice of you tonight birthday girl and maybe you might even get a birthday lay" she winks at me and I can't help but giggle
"Nat! This is not for Bucky"

"Mmmm whatever you say. Come on. Everyone's waiting on you"
"Ok" I take one more look in the mirror and smile. I have to admit I do look good.
As I walk into the function room, I see everyone I love in one room. I walk down the stairs with Nat and we walk straight over to the bar where Steve and Sam are stood.
"Happy birthday!!" Steve says as he hugs me close.
"Thank you!"
He notices Nat behind me and I hear him gasp a little. "Wow Nat you look....."
She smiles at him and I can't help but giggle a little, they like each other but are two stubborn to admit it.
"Thanks steve, you look very handsome"

He blushes and it's adorable. Then Sam wraps me up in his arms "happy birthday girl!"
"Thanks Sammy"
I start to look around for the one face I wanted to see tonight but I can't see him.
"Where's Bucky?" I hear Nat ask and shoot me a wink.
"Oh I bought him a date. So there over there talking" Sam points and I see Bucky with a gorgeous blonde woman, she looks amazing. My smile drops from my face as I see her place her hand on his arm and there laughing together.
"Excuse me" I walk away to balcony to get some air. How stupid was I do really believe I could get buckys attention. He would never go for someone like me.


When Ellie walks away I punch Sam in the arm at the same as steve slaps him round the head.
"Ouch!! What the hell?"
"Your an idiot" steve says and shakes his head
"What did I do?"
"Ellie likes Bucky, no actually she loves him. And you decide to bring him a date"
"I didn't know. Shit! I just wanted him to get laid so he stopped being so grumpy"
I shake my head and see Bucky walking towards us with the blonde in tow.
"Hey guys, Nat where's the birthday girl?"
"She just went to get some air" I say as I look at the blonde. "Who's this?"
"Oh. This is Annabelle, she's a friend of Sam's"

"Nice to meet you" her eyes land on steve and I see her smile. Oh hell no that super soldier is mine. I take Steve's hand in mine and stand close to him. He smirks down at me, I can't help but want to slap him a little for being so cocky.
"Bucky you should go find Ellie"
"Yeah of course. It was nice to meet you Annabelle but I'll let you get back to Sam"
I can't help but laugh a little with the shocked look on her face. She really thought he would want her.

Sam ushers her away and gets her a drink, I turn to stand in front of steve and he is still smiling down at me.
"Jealously kind of looks good on you Nat"
" very funny. We need to fix this. Ellie looked so upset"
"Nat we've been through this, you can't force them together they will admit there feelings when there ready"
I nod "wanna dance Rogers?"
"With you?" He smiles
"Fine" I go to walk away but he grabs my hand and pulls me back to him.
"Of course I would Natasha" as we walk to the dance floor, I look over and see Bucky walking out to the balcony to Ellie. I just want my bestfriend to be happy.

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