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Bucky POV

I walk around looking for Ellie, then I see her standing out in the balcony. She looks cold but she looks beautiful. I walk out and stand beside her. She carries on looking out at the view.
"Hey birthday girl"
I see her smile but it's not her usual one, she doesn't even turn to look at me.
"Look at me"
She shakes her head and then I know something is wrong, i gently place my hand on her cheek and turn her head to face me. Then I see tears falling down. Instantly I wrap my arms around her and stroke her hair.

"What's wrong?"
She pulls away "nothing. It doesn't matter. You should get back to your date"
"My date?" She nods and walks back into the party. She thinks I have a date, is that why she's upset. No that's stupid she doesn't see me that way. I follow her inside and see her at the bar with Nat.
"Hey Bucky" Nat says loudly.
Ellie just sits there "Ellie. What's...."
"Why don't you take the birthday girl for a spin on the dance floor Buck" Nat says

Before I can ask, I feel someone grab my hand. I look and it's Annabelle.
"Dance with me Bucky?"
Ellie looks at her and I see sadness in her eyes.
"Sorry. No. I'm dancing with the birthday girl"
I grab Ellie's hand and pull her to the centre on the dance floor. I pull her close and she rests her head on my chest.
"What's going on Ellie? Your crying and you look really upset"
"Nothing. Just don't really like my birthday is all"
I nod, I know she is lying but I don't want to push her.

"You looking amazing by the way"
She lets out a little giggle "thank you. Nat made me wear it"
"Well Nat has good taste"
She looks up at me and smiles "Annabelle looks amazing too"
"Yes she does. But she's here with Sam"
"Sam brought her for you"
She nods "he said he thought she was your type"
I can't help but laugh "she is not my type"
"Yeah. I'm a 40s guy Ellie, she is definitely not my type"

She looks down "yeah I guess no one in this time line would really measure up to the woman from then"
I can't help but feel confused, that's not what I meant.
Before I can finish, I hear Tony's voice over the microphone.
"Birthday girl come here please"
Ellie slips out of my arms and makes her way to Tony. I see him wrap his arm around her shoulder.
"Sparks, we all love you so very much! And we are so happy to be here with you. Happy birthday"

They bring our a huge cake and everyone sings to her, I feel an arm hook into mine and as I look I see Annabelle smiling at me. God this woman will not take a hint. I'm going to kill Sam.
After the cake, everyone goes back to drinking and dancing. Annabelle won't stop following me around and it's driving me nuts. I see steve and I make a break for it.
"You have to help me"
I see his arms wrapped around Nat and it makes me smile.
"What's up?"
"Annabelle she won't leave me alone"
Nat laughs "it's not funny Nat. I'm going to kill Sam"

"She's looking for you"
"Hide me please"
Nat grabs my arm and pulls me behind the bar and shoves me down.
"Stay there"
I hear Annabelle shout Nat "have you seen Bucky?"
"Look, your gorgeous really. But Bucky isn't interested your not his type"
"I'm everyone's type"
Nat laughs "no honey your not. I think you should leave"

Annabelle starts arguing with Nat and then I hear Ellie "what's going on?"
"She won't leave and I'm loosing my temper"
"Nat calm down. Annabelle I don't think you should be here. You don't want to upset Natasha trust me"
I hear Annabelle tell Ellie to go to hell and I think she pushes her. I see Nat jump the bar and I know this is not going to end well. I jump up from
Behind the bar and see Ellie with a bleeding nose and Nat sat on top of Annabelle.
Steve drags Nat off while I go straight to Ellie.
"What happened?"
"That crazy bitch punched me"

I grabbed some napkins and helped her clean up while steve and Sam took Annabelle to the exit.
"God Ellie, I'm so sorry"
"Yeah. Next time don't let Sam set you up"
I can't help but laugh "I don't want to be set up"
I see Ellie hold her head "your heading hurting?"
"Come on let's get you back to your room"
I walk her carefully down the halls, passing the team and them asking her if she is okay. She tells them she will be fine and wishes them a goodnight. As I step inside her room, I feel her wobble slightly.
"Maybe we should go see Bruce"
"No I'm okay. Really. Thanks Buck"
She quickly goes to get changed and climbs into bed. I kiss her forehead and she sighs.
"Goodnight Sparky"
"Goodnight buck"

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