Im sorry

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Bucky POV

I run to her as she falls to the ground, I cradle her to me as I see the pain in her face.
"Why? Ellie why did you do that?"
"She's so young Bucky, she doesn't deserve to die"
"Neither do you. Sparky...."
"It's okay. Really"
"No. No it's not. We can fix this. Tony!"
He crouches down besides us and holds Ellie's hand.
"Sparks what the hell?"
She smiles "I'm sorry. It was the right do"
I can see her whole body glowing, she winces as it travels further.

"Tony fix it!"
"I can't, Bucky this is.....I can't"
I shake my head "then we take her with us and...."
"You can't need to leave and get these kids out of here"
"No I'm not leaving you"
"You have too. Im so sorry. I want you to know even though I don't remember us. I know my heart loves you."
"No, don't you dare say goodbye. We can fix this"
"James" she cups my cheek "go. Please"
I shake my head, tears flowing. I see Nat come over and kiss Ellie's forehead
"Always the hero"

Nat walks away and helps the team to get the kids to safety.
"Bucky you have to go"
"I can't"
"Yes you can. You told me this was what I wanted right? Saving kids giving them a life. Well this is me doing that. them Bucky"
I see her look over my shoulder and I feel hands on my arms. She pulls me to her and places a kiss on my lips before whispering I love you. I then feel myself being dragged away, I fight but it's not use. I know it's steve who has me and he wont let me go.

As we get to the jet, I turn and instantly swing for him. My fist connects to his face and he goes down.
"What the hell!!! I can't leave her" as I go to get off of the jet the doors close and we take off.
"No!! Tony take me back!!"
"Im sorry Bucky, I can't"
We feel the jet shake and as I look out of the window I see the building below us in flames. I fall to the fall and cry harder then I have ever cried before. I feel steve come up behind me and he wraps his arms around me. Holding me, I don't fight him. I've lost the only woman I have ever loved and I'm broken.

I hear others crying around me, Ellie meant so much to all of us and now she was gone. She died a hero and she died doing the one thing she always wanted too. Saving the next generation. Right now I don't know how I'm going to function without her but I know that I need to help these kids and set them up for a bright future just as sparky would want me too.

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