Grow up

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"Where is he?"
I storm up up to steve who looks shocked to see me so angry.
"Bucky, where is he?"
"I dunno training maybe" I try to walk away but he grabs my arm to stop me "hey what's going on?"
I turn "what's going on? What's going on is my best friend is lay in her room right now crying her eyes out because your good for nothing best friend had decided to ignore her. She won't eat, she can't sleep. She has been through hell steve and now she is going through it more because of him"

"Nat, he..."
"He's mad. Yeah I get it. So am I Steve but she has been through......." I stop before I tell him anything.
"She spoke to you about it?"
"Yes she did and trust me she has been through unbelievable amounts of torture. She needs him steve"
He nods and walks with me to the gym, we find Bucky punching a bag, he looks angry but I don't care. I storm up to him, grab his arm flipping him onto his back.
"What the hell? Nat?"
"You dick! Get in there and help her. She needs you"
"What are you talking about? Steve get her off Me"

Steve pulls me away "let go of me Steve I don't want to hurt you"
He lets go but keeps a good stance between me and Bucky.
"Nat, what...."
"Ellie, do you remember her? She hasn't left her room in days, she won't stop crying. She won't go to therapy for her leg or her mind, she won't eat. She won't sleep. She can't, she needs you and your not there"
"Nat I can't ok. I'm mad"
"I get it, I'm mad she left too. But with you, it's not that she left Bucky it's that she left without you. She left you behind and you don't like it and I get it. But before you decided to tell each other the L word, you were bestfriends, she relied on you the minute she met you. You were her support her crutch and now she doesn't have you.
And trust me Bucky through everything she has been through, this time round it's much worse. She needs you. So suck it up and be there for her before I kick your ass"

I storm away and steve follows me, he turns me gently and cups my face. He wipes away tears I didn't even know were falling.
"Nat? What's wrong?"
"Steve" I cry and he holds me close "the things they did to her. I don't even know how she is standing"
He continues to hold me while I let out all of my worries for her. I don't cry, I'm a big bad assassin but when she told me what had happened, it broke me. I want to kill everyone of those disgusting horrible people who put there hands on her.

Bucky POV

Nat was so pissed, she had every right. She was right, I'm Ellie's best friend and she needs me and I've been stubborn and an idiot and I haven't been there for her. So I grab a quick shower and make my way to her room. Before I knock I hear crying from behind the door. I don't bother to knock, I just walk in. She is sat in the corner of her room, on the floor basically rolled into a ball.
She barley lifts her head to look at me, she hides her face again in her arms. I walk over and pick her up. She is so light.

I walk to the bed, sitting down in the middle and have Ellie on my lap. She is shaking and crying so hard. I grab the blanket and wrap it around us. She nuzzles her face more into my chest and I just hold her tighter. I've never seen her like this, even when we first met she wasn't this bad. I don't know what hydra did this time but they have completely shattered her.

After a few hours, she finally calms enough to talk.
"You don't have to be here Bucky. It's ok" she goes to get off my lap but I hold on tighter.
"Ellie, don't"
She pulls away "no. I won't have you here out of sympathy or whatever. You hate me I get it. I'm fine. I'll be fine. Just go please"
"What do you mean no?"
"Ellie, I'm sorry I've been distant and I'm sorry I didn't check on you sooner but I'm here now. Whatever happened I can help you. Please"

She shakes her head "no one can help me. Maybe it would have been better if I just died. I should have just stayed in that jet and let nature take its course"
"Bucky. You have no idea what they did to me and to others around me. Just trust me ok. Everyone would be better off if I had never come here"

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