8 - Bad news

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One strip of pills is what he gave me. She needs 4 every day, so this strip will only last 3 days. I suppose I could lower her dose, take it down to 3 each day. The chances of her getting a seizure should still be diminished then. But even then, we'll be out in 4 days. And when Negan gets back here next week, I doubt he'll even give me one more strip in exchange for just a kiss.

I sigh as I take the pills and hide them at the back of a cupboard. Not for Negan, but for Ella this time. She'll throw a fit if she finds out that I asked him for more pills. I'll have to hide them in her food or something.

I went straight home after my bizarre encounter with Negan to wait out the rest of their visit. As I walk over to the window and look out, I can see that they're leaving. I sigh in relief. I catch a glimpse of the man in leather as he says something to Rick and quickly look away. I've seen enough of him for today.

'Chris!' Ella yells from her bed in the living room.

'What?' I ask as I walk through the door to make my way to her. 'You alright?'

'No, you left me alone for too long and now I died out of boredome.'

She puts her hands dramatically on her forehead and gurgles rather distatefully before she drops her head to the side and lets her tongue hang out.

'Oh dear', I say dryly, walking over to pull the blanket over her face. 'Now what am I to do without my pesky sister constantly annoying me with her sarcastic comments?'

'Ha-ha', Ella says, struggling against the blanket. 'You'll cry for me every damn day.'

I smile as her face appears beneath the covers again, but at her remark, my thoughts suddenly sober up.

'Yes', I say, choking up a little. 'Yes, I will.'

When Ella notices the sudden change in my face, her own face falters. But she isn't quick to show emotion so she clears her throat and lowers her eyes.

'So, you got time for a game now?'

Just when I'm about to tell her that I do, the front door suddenly bursts open. In walk Michonne and Eric, carrying Aaron between them. I gasp when I notice the state of him. His face is entirely messed up, black and blue everywhere and blood trails behind him as they take him to the free bed next to Ella.

'What happened?' she asks, sounding as shocked as I feel.

'The Saviours', Michonne says shortly. Tears are streaming down Eric's face as he helps his husband onto the bed.

'It didn't make any sense', Eric tells us. 'There was this note in the supplies they found and the Saviours thought he was mocking them. He didn't even write it.'

'My God', I exclaim softly, rushing over to start examining his wounds. He looks real awful. What is wrong with these people?

'We gotta get rid of these people', Ella says excitedly from the other bed. 'They could have killed him.'

'There's nothing we can do', I say, grabbing my meagre supplies to start cleaning his wounds.

'Isn't there?' Ella asks agitatedly. 'We haven't even tried to fight them, if we would just-'

'No', Michonne cuts her off. 'There isn't. We will only lose more people if we try.'

'But we can't go on like this', Eric says as he holds Aaron's hand. 'Even if we do what they want, they still treat us like this.'

He's right. Of course he's right. We can not continue like this. I can't keep giving in to this evil man to get more medication and Alexandria can't keep bowing down either because soon there will be nothing left of us. But what can we possibly do?

For my sister | Negan | Where stories live. Discover now