chapter 25

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Sienna Galeon

I wished I had a phone. For many reasons, first, I miss reading my books on it. Second, my crunchyroll app to watch my favorite episodes of an anime series. Lastly, to search for a certain someone.

I'm here in Starbucks sitting down and waiting for Donovon to bring me my coffee. He is in a long line behind several people. Nicolai is sitting at the end of the table while Dimitri is sitting across from me. They've been edgeing around me for some reason. But I told them I just wanted moments of recollection.

I needed a chance to get access to the internet without being caught.

I couldn't tell them. Nor could I ask for their phones or any device they have. They would some how find out, and obviously need reasons to why I need their phones.

Because I honestly don't know what I'm going to be looking for but I have a feeling it's not in my favor. So I keep it to myself and plus I trust that Dr. Riverton can keep a patients word in confidentiality. Or I hope so, I don't know anything about how Mafia owned therapists work with delicate information when it comes to a patient...

I needed an opportunity.

And a stealthy plan.

My eyes watch the whole room and that's when a light bulb in my brain lights up. When I see a petite girl--possible college student from around here. She has a laptop in front of her and a phone beside it. She looks sweet with her glasses off set a little, sweater a little oversized. Curly dark hair you could envy over.

She gets up folding her laptop and stands up. My eyes trail her as she makes her way to the women's restroom. Smart thinking, taking her stuff with her--you could never trust the public and with this economy these days for thieves to steal stuff like that.

When she goes into the bathroom I have found my opportunity.

Nicolai is staring at me when I look over to him, his eyes narrowing, "you seem tense."

I didn't know what to say to him but other than proceeding with my plan I ask shyly, "I need to go to the bathroom."

"Then I'll take you--"

"I don't need you to hold my hand to bathroom. I can see to it my myself." I snap.

Nico and Dimitri close their mouth then open them with gaping mouths to my outbursts.

I get up abruptly and make my way towards the restrooms. Feeling eyes on my backside until I open the women's door and walk in. When in there are only two stalls and one sink. Looking down to one stall I see her shoes. So I go to the sink and fix my makeup with my pinky under my eyes. Waiting.

Hearing a flush and stall door opening, she gets out and carries her stuff with her while I move to the side for her to place the laptop on the counter to wash her hands.

The girl seems to feel my eyes on the side of her face, because she turns to face me while wiping her hands with a paper towel, "um is there something you need?" She asks with a confused expression.

"HI. My name is Sienna Galeon. I was wondering if I could use your phone or laptop to search for something." I ask nicely, "also what I'm about to say will probably get me killed too because of Omerta and all that. Breaking a code of silence, you see, there are three cold blooded killers of men out there. They are in a Mafia and so am I. The one in the wheelchair...well, he is to be my husband and is the boss man. We made a deal for deal and now I may have screwed myself in this deal. I have no phone to search what I need and if I'm thinking to be right. I want to know if I'm going to die--be murdered in the near future." I ramble, still my mouth doesn't no when to shut up.

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