chapter 53

54 2 3

Sienna Stone

Julian comes back with a Newton Cradle in hand. I couldn't help but say something, "why do you have one of those?" I ask with a raised brow in question. 

He scoffs, "why not?" He places it on his night stand before picking up his chair from his desk and places it beside the bed. "Now don't think this will work from the getgo. Got it? Let's start with you laying down with a pillow beneath your head. Place your arms to your sides and close your eyes." He instructs me.

I do as told, laying down and closing my eyes, "okay. I'm ready." Ready as I'll ever be.

"Hold up. What is your goal here? I need something to go on with this. What is the objective?" Julian questions.

Still with my eyes closed I think back to when I was little--a vague image crosses my mind in a flash. The basement, scars, skin--

I clear my throat, "I want to remember a certain point in my life. So...maybe the basement at Edmonds house is the best objective so far. I remember some things but I don't recall anything of what I saw in the basement. I feel like I missing the bigger picture."

I hear Julian sigh before hearing him shuffle around. Then I hear a clicking noise of the Newtons Cradle balls--click--clack--click--clack.

After a moment of silence with only the clanking balls of the Cradle, Julian softly spoke, "you are in a faint reach..."

My body relaxes to his voice, "it's dark and quiet..."

"Your body is laying in between darkness and sleep. Feeling lighter and lighter."

"You will fall asleep in the count of ten."

My eyes feel heavy hearing his steady soft voice count down. My mind---it is calm and relaxed.

And when he reaches to the count of three, I barely hear them as I'm drawn in deeper--into nothing--everything---between.

12 years ago

The sun is shining through the window with glaring light beams, as bright as a summers day. Dust particals fly in mid air in the rays, dancing like specks into the silent room.

It's been a long day, not much has happened this summer. Papa and Mama hasn't let me out much like other kids. I've noticed because when I go to school--other kids would talk about how much fun they would be having during the summers break. Some say boating, hiking, camping, traveling to another place or some say they are visiting family.

We sometimes go on a trip--but isn't for fun--at least not for me. It was always Papa's business that intervenes.

My family has no such plans for this summer, which saddens me and I am jealous of those kids. As an eight year old girl I wished to have someone to play with.

I've asked many times if I could invite some kids over to have a sleepover, Mama says no, and Papa refuses with an audients of his men in front of me. His men would leer at me in the most hateful looking way. I never did like Papa's men around the house. Or the maids for that matter. Only ones that take great care of me are Greta and Leo but they seem busy today.

Maybe some day it will change for me. I'd have friends and have as many sleepovers all I want. That's the dream so far.

But to make friends wasn't as easy for me for some reason. Maybe because I tend to wear my heart on my sleeves and seem aggressive about it.

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