Meeting Her (part 1)

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Stef's POV

"Mike, where the hell are you? You were supposed to come with me at this new school for Brandon!" I said, angrily on the phone.

Mike and I have been separated for the past 3 weeks, and he just keeps making my life harder and harder, my head is killing me, and my anxiety is at its top level.

"Please Stef give me a break ok, I just woke up. Plus, what is the point, hun? We don't have to change him from school, this separation is temporary, so when you will come back, everything gonna be the same."

This is exactly what I am afraid of. That everything will be the same, I can't live like that anymore, like I am in apnea, like I am stuck. It's not a life for me, and it's keeping me from being the mother that my son deserves. I have been miserable for years. Not because of Mike, I don't blame him, but because of me, I don't feel myself, at all, I never did, and I feel like I never will be. Although I haven't done anything to change it, nothing.

But that's ends now, I told Mike that we needed some time apart because our arguments are getting more and more hateful, and I don't want my son growing up in that environment.

My mom and dad were always snapping and bickering, it was like that they hated each other, it was awful. I won't allowed that with our son, he deserves and will have better than this.

"We don't know if it's temporary yet Mike, we're still figuring this out." I said, upset.

Mike is a good man, he really is, he's also a great father, we had some good time together, I will always care about him, love him even, he gave me the most beautiful gift in the world, my beautiful Brandon that I absolutely adore and love more than life itself.

"Well, you know what? I am not coming, it's pointless, you know exactly that we will get back together, at least for Brandon's sake."

"You know Mike, I'm really trying to miss you during this time apart, but you're making it very hard. Bye!" and with that I hung up the phone, fuck him, I'll go alone, I feel much better without him anyway.

I just feel bad for Brandon because I want Mike to be more involved in everything about him, so that he doesn't feel like we love him any less because his dad and I are separate.

But apparently, Mike just doesn't see it like that, he doesn't get it. And I think that it's the thing that makes me the saddest.

Anyway, I have to go now, I'm going to check out this school. I really hope Brandon will like it because I don't think he's going to be in his current school next year.

Lena's POV

"Nora, please hurry, I need the bathroom, I'm going to be late." I yelled to my girlfriend, God this woman makes me nuts, and not in a good way, but well, she's beautiful and kind. Bonus, she's an excellent cook, I think we can maybe build something together.

"Hang on babe, I'm almost done" she yelled back.

I hate when she does that, she doesn't even have a job, and she takes hours in the bathroom while I wait outside like an idiot. I have a job, I am the assistant vice principal, it's important to me to be punctual. I talked about that with her, but she doesn't seem to care.

And there she is, beautiful, but annoying "Finish!" she exclaimed with a grin.
I roll my eyes and head in the bathroom, upset, again.

Why? Why did I agree to live together, I have no idea, am I that desperate?
We did this lesbian thing of moving together at the second or third date. That was way too soon. I like her, really, but something is missing.

Anyway, I have to be presentable the best I can since I don't have a lot of time now.
God, this is not how I wanted to start the day.
Today I have meetings with some new student's parents. I am a little nervous, I don't know why though. I do it all the time, but each time I am a little nervous about it.

I get ready, straighten my hair like usual and put on my clothes, I didn't have the time for much makeup, just the minimum.

"Have a good day, honey." Nora yelled, as I open the door.
"Thanks, you too." I said as I close the door.

Stef's POV

I parked in front of the school and locked the door. It's really beautiful out there, it's literally like having school on the beach, B is going to love it so much.

I pass the gate and make my way in, towards a bench, since a teacher told me to wait here.

I am confident in this school, it looks great, the kids out there seem to like it, enjoy it even.

Well, school on the beach, who wouldn't?

I sat down on the bench and wait a few minutes.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." I heard, and I looked up, and it's like I breathed for the first time in a really, really long time.

"Hi, I am Lena Adams, the assistant vice principal." she said, smiling. A beautiful smile by the way. She's a tall woman, mixed skin, long brown hair falling down to her chest. She's wearing an enamel tank top that reveals her shoulders that look so soft. I can even lightly see her black bra through it.

God, what am I thinking?

My eyes can't stop staring. She's also wearing a garnet skirt that stops right at her knees.

"Hi, I am Stef Foster." I said back, smiling my widest, although just 1 minute ago I was still upset about the Mike thing. Then we shook hands, and something really strange ran through my body, it felt weird, but also, I felt so... I don't know... alive? And I didn't want to let go of her soft hand.

When we both noticed that our handshake was lasting far too long to be conventional, we pull away, chuckling almost awkwardly but still smiling for dear life.

"So, your... son." she said, breaking me out of my trance as I have no idea of what the fuck is happening.

"Uh, Brandon, it's Brandon." I said, awkwardly. I can't stop stuttering, it's embarrassing, I don't know why I'm like this all of a sudden.

"Brandon." she laughs a little.


"He would be stating kindergarten this fall?" she asks as I try to get my composure.

"Yes he's five." I said, still smiling.

"Great. Well, I would be glad to give you a tour, tell you about our school. Are we waiting for your husband to join?" she asks.

Oh shit, I almost forgot about Mike, being here with her makes me forget everything. Is it really because of her, or is it because of my new freedom away from Mike? I don't know, but one thing is sure... this woman is incredibly attractive, and I didn't allow myself to have this kind of feelings since a long time.

Truth be told, I hadn'tallowed myself to have those thoughts right now, but this Lena Adams just didthis to me, just like that, without even doing anything. 

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