I Hate You!

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Stef's POV

How dare she coming back here? She doesn't deserve a single minute of my time. I'm never getting back with her. she hurt me, she hurt my son and now what? I'm just supposed to forgive and forget.

Oh no, believe me, this is not what is going to happen. She can try all she wants; she won't make me believe that she loved me. Like I said, actions speaks louder than words and she said a lot of things to me. She said she loved me, she said that she was there for me, that I wasn't alone anymore, because I had her. All fucking lies. She left the first occasion she got and now just because, I don't know, she didn't like the place or something, she's coming back here, hoping to have me back?

I don't think so. I'm never doing this again. She broke my heart once; I won't let her do it twice.
I don't regret one second that I slammed the door in her face. In fact, I'll do it again if I have to. She can come after me, but I won't change my mind. This is over and for good.

Now, that said, I have to take Brandon up to school since Mike couldn't. He had a very early shift and ask me to come pick up Brandon soon this morning. The poor thing was so tired, but he was already ready for the day so I just parked under a tree somewhere and I let him sleep on me for a little while until it's time for him to start his day.

I hate that he had to woke up this early, but I know Mike didn't had a choice. We are short of effective these days, and it's making the captain furious, and we know not to mess with her or give her a hard time when she was like this for it wasn't her fault and the job as to be done so we do it and that's it.

In the other hand, having my baby so close to me, in my arms, snuggling my neck and breathing so peacefully. It's very sweet and calming and I love more than anything spending time like this with him. I know one day, he'll be a grown man, and he would stop cuddling with me, so I better suck up every minute of it before I find it to be gone.

After approximately an hour and a half, it was time to wake up my son, and drive him off to school. I didn't know if I was going to see Lena, and I was hoping with everything in me that it wouldn't be the case. I don't want anything to do with her, and I don't want to see her everyday damn day. It would be a torture.

I didn't even know what to say to Brandon. If she's not here, the question is not even one, we'll do as if she never came back. But if she does work at Anchor Beach again... I don't know. Should I warn him, or... I really don't know. And that makes me resent her even more if that's possible.

"Okay, baby we're here!" I said trying to sound joyful like every morning so I'm sure that he's well awake to start his day.

"Mommy? Is it you or daddy that will come pick me up tonight?" he asks softly as he exits the car.

"It's me love, then I'll take you to your piano lesson." I respond stroking his hair.

It was true that B was taking his piano lesson very seriously. He was still a bit bad at it, I'm not gonna lie, but he's getting there. In fact, the teacher told me that it wasn't so bad for his age and that he was in advanced compares to the others. Also, I finally manage to buy him a synthesizer that he's going to have for Christmas, and I can't wait to see he's little face when he'll find out.

"Mommy, why is Lena in front of the school like before?" he ask as I lift my eyes to see and I swear I thought my heart was going to explode again like last night.

"She... mm..., apparently she came back, baby." I said trying not to sound upset even though I very much was.

"Does that mean she's gonna be your girlfriend again? Because I don't like her. She makes you cry." He said firmly as my heart broke yet again, and I hate that I had cry in front of him and I'm still not over it.

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