You're Mad?

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Lena's POV

I was now in the dining room, setting the table after putting my dress back on. I was pouring us two glasses of wine, when I saw my sexy girlfriend walk towards me with just her panties and her shirt on.

"Wow. Someone is hot, huh?" I said teasing her a little as she smirks at me.

"Said the one that didn't bother to put on her thong. I know your naked down there." she said, pointing her finger at my center and roam her eyes all over my body.

"Maybe..." I said playfully, as I turn around.

"I know you are." She said coming behind me and gripping my hips to pull me against her as we giggle like teenagers.

Then, she kissed from my shoulder to my neck, giving my goosebumps as her hand was flat on my stomach.

"Baby, I can't concentrate on the food..." I said, smiling as she kissed the side of my face.

"Mmm, but you're so much better than food." She groans, against my ear, her hands sliding on my thighs so slowly, but I could feel the strength in her hands. My god, she's going to make me wet all over again.

"Okay... you're going to make me forget things. Come sit here." I said, turning around and leading her to a stool.

She sat down, and I gave her one last peck on the lips causing her to not resist the tentation off caressing my ass.

"Behave yourself!" I said, slapping her hand playfully as she laughs.

Now, that we have made love, she's very much more comfortable and touchier with me, it was almost making me shy for some reason, but I loved it.

Finally, we ate dinner, and drink wine. I also made chocolate cream for dessert that I was about to take it out of the fridge when she asked me a question that could very much end our date night.

"So, you're gonna tell your friends that you finally got your -kind of virgin- girlfriend in your bed?" she said giggling, obviously joking, but I wasn't laughing. How am I going to tell her this?

I turn around and put the bowl on the table, my head down, not really knowing how she would react.

"Lena? I was joking!" she said still giggling.

"Stef. I... I have something to tell you. But before I tell you, you have to know that this has nothing to do with the way I feel about you, okay?" I said, looking at her losing her smile.

"Oh... okay." she said hesitating as I decided to just say it.

"I didn't tell my friends about us." Okay that's done, she knows.

"What?" she said confused but I could tell she was starting to realize what I said.

"I... okay... Lena, why?" she said, clearly upset by now, but she was trying to hide it though.

"I... I don't know... I just..."

"You don't know, okay. Do your parents know at least?" she said her voice raising just a little bit and I think it's going to rise even more now.

"Not really. I mean... no, they don't know, I didn't tell... anyone." I said, trying to be as honest as possible now, since I wasn't really before and I don't feel good about it, believe me.

"Wow! I... okay. Are you planning to tell somebody one day that I exist?" she said trying to remain calm and not scream at me, but she was very close to yell, and I really don't blame her, I did yell at her when she didn't tell anyone about us, even if she had very good reason. Not that I don't have my reason, but well, it's really not the same situation.

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