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Stef's POV

"Hey my baby! How was this first day love?" I asked B when he ran towards me for a hug.

"It was okay, I didn't make any friend yet, but maybe tomorrow." He said a little sad.

"Aww, my love, it's just the first day, it will be okay, you're amazing and I am sure that soon you'll have tone of friends that you'll beg me to bring home. For now, let me enjoy my little boy to myself." I recomforted, hugging him tight.

Sure, I'm a little worried, but like I said, it's just the first day, he has plenty of time to make friends.

He pulls away and look at me, smiling and hopeful.

"So, what did you do today? You like your teacher?" I ask softly has I take his hand to go toward the car.

I didn't know why, but I couldn't help but try to see if Lena was somewhere. And what surprised me even more, was the fact that I was actually disappointed that she wasn't here, and that I didn't get the chance to see her.

I wish I could look at her beautiful face, her beautiful smile and her...

Wait, stop that, it's wrong.... Why is this happening to me? I just want to be fine; I just want my son to be fine. And I feel like if I let myself go there, I will not be able to step back...

"Mommy did you hear me?" Brand ask, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, urm, sorry baby. What did you say?" I ask smiling at him.

"I said that you were right! Miss Adams is very nice. She came to see me a few times to see if I was ok!" He exclaimed.

Wow, I didn't see that coming. I know that she said that she'll make sure that he was fine, but I didn't think that it would be at this extend...

I wish I could understand why I feel this urge to run to her and thank her, but I can't explain it. Mostly because I know that it's not just that. It's not that I just want to thank her for being so kind with my son, but I'm so scared of what the other reason might be.

"Oh, it's very nice of her sweetheart..."

Lena's POV

I'm so disappointed that I wasn't here at the time Stef came to pick up Brandon. But Nora called me and said that she wasn't feeling well, so I hurry home, thinking that she was sick or something. Turns out... she was just horny, she was just fucking horny, so she just made me left work for that.

Who does that? She could have just waited a few hours, she's not considerate at all when it comes to my job and I'm starting to find that very annoying.

When I realized what she really wanted, I was so mad, and frustrated, but I didn't want to make a scene because I'm tired of fighting. However, there was no way I was having sex with her for I just wouldn't have enjoyed it at all, as mad as I was. So, I just said that I had my period. I knew she was very disappointed, but so was I.

This relationship is really getting on my nerves, to the point that I don't even know what the fuck I am doing.
God, I don't even curse usually, but she brings out the worst of me sometimes, she really does.

The only thing that could calm my nerves right now, was thinking about this beautiful blonde, and just how cute her son is.

He's reserved, and I can already see how sensitive he is. Plus, new school, new teachers, new environment, so during the day, I made it a point to check on him a few times, just to see if he was okay.

Of course, he seemed a little worried and he was alone all day because he was so shy, but I think it's because it was the first day and I bet he was missing his mom. Just like I did... wait, what?

God, I have to stop this.

While I was debating in my head, I heard a notification from my phone. It' her...
Ok why is my heart betting so fast, I have no idea.

"Hey Lena, it's Stef. I'm texting because Brandon told me that you checked on him during the day and I just wanted to say that I appreciate it, it was very nice of you so... thank you 😊."

Well, I didn't expect this. It's very sweet of her though, she's very sweet. I hope I can see her tomorrow. For now, I have to respond to this and act as professional that I can.

Even though we had diner and stuff, she's still a parent of one of my students and I have to treat her like one. But this was more difficult that it should be for all I wanted to do was call her and here her soft voice.

"Hi! It's really no big deal, it was my pleasure. And don't worry about him not having friends yet, it would come."

I think that message is fine. It's not to personal, it's casual. Ok, I can send it.

And then, within minute I receive a replied.

"How did you know that I was worried? Was that your vice principal's instinct? 😉"

Okay, so she wants to make me crazy, she makes it very hard for me to stay professional. And why do I love it so much?

"Wow you exposed me! Was that your cop's instinct? 😊"

I should probably not send that. But I do. I can't help it. I'm, right now, smiling like an idiot and I can't find a way to get her out of head and how am I supposed to act normal as if I do not have a crush on her, when obviously I very much do.

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