Mama Tiger

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Stef's POV

I was angry beyond believe, what the fuck was that?

I drop my kid here, trusting that he's safe and okay when I'm at work, and I come to find him slam against a wall by some moron. I really was going to lose my mind.

And I was very much waiting to see what the school was going to do about it, because let me tell you, fucking nobody touch my son.

On the way to Lena's office, I was biting my tongue, I really was for why didn't she say anything to this Gary? She saw the exact same thing that I did.

Once in her office, she closed the door and made Brandon sit on the couch.

"Lena, what was that? You saw what happen, why is it us in your office?" I said angrily.

"Stef, we have to figure out what is going on first, otherwise, I can't do anything." She said calmly, but I wasn't calm, I was furious.

"How come you can't do anything? I don't understand, he basically..." I start, still angry even if screaming at her was the last thing I wanted to do, I knew it wasn't her fault.

"Stef, come on, did I ever give you a reason to think that you couldn't trust me?" she said honestly, and she was right, she never did. And I trusted her, I didn't know her much, but I trusted her.

"No. No you didn't." I said, my face softened a bit.

"Good, now let's talk to Brandon. He seems a bit scared." she said as we saw he is looking at the ground.

Lena took a sit next to him on a couch, as I crouched down, putting my hands on his knees.

"B, baby, talk to me please, what happed?" I said softly, as he refuses to look at me, or talk for that matter as it was breaking my heart.

"Brandon, we're here to help, you're not in trouble bud, you can tell us." Lena said, stroking his back as Brandon finally looked up in her eyes, and I was wondering why he couldn't look at me.

"Tell us." Lena said again and nodding and smiling softly to reassure him.

"He wanted my lunch but today I didn't have it, because daddy didn't put it in my backpack this morning. I told Gary I was sorry, but he got angry at me, saying that if I don't give him my lunch on Monday, he was going to hurt me." He blurts out crying his eyes out has my heart broke even more, for it seem like for some reason he felt like he couldn't tell me, and that was surely a slap in my face.

"How many time did he took your lunch Brandon?" Lena asks, for I was lost for word.

"Just twice." He sights, sniffing and rubbing his eyes.

"Baby, why didn't you tell me, you know you can tell me everything, I wasn't going to get angry, you know that. So why my love, hum?" I said, my voice breaking a bit, but I certainly wasn't going to cry here, no way.

"I didn't want to worry you, you already have a lot to do with daddy, I didn't want you to scream at each other and get a divorce because of me." He said crying even more as I stand to pull in my arms and hold him harder than ever.

I never thought that he could hear us fight, and it never hit me that he was feeling like it was his fault, for I explain to him that his father and I were separate but that there was nothing to do with him, but I guess I fail miserably at making him feel safe to talk to me. And for that I'll never forgive myself.

"Aww, my baby I'm sorry, I'm sorry I let you believe that, and I'm sorry that you heard us fight, it won't happen again I promise you that, my love." I said, my voice breaking as he was still in my arms.

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