How Is It?

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Stef's POV

I finally manage to find a place for Mike in a rehab center, so without him knowing, I talk to Captain Robert who basically told him that he will go unless he wants to lose his job. Fortunately, Mike loves his job, and knew that losing it wasn't an option, so he went.

I'm a bit more relieve, but I know that I still have to be careful. Brandon won't go at his place until I have no doubt about his sobriety. I really hope that it would be okay though for Brandon miss him terribly and I know he misses his son as well.

It was now Saturday in the afternoon as Lena and I were enjoying our time together, watching TV as Brandon was at the birthday party of one of his friends. He was super happy to be invited and I was as well for he was much more comfortable in his school, and he seem to be fine and happy regardless of the current situation.

"Do you think B would like it if I bought him a keyboard?" I ask Lena as she was laying on me, her back on my chest as my arms were around her.

"Are you kidding? The boy literally lives for music. Did you know that sometimes, he comes see me at lunch time to talk about music, and not just music, like classical music, Bach, Chopin, and all that? I think he'd be thrilled baby." She said smiling, as I love more and more that my girlfriend and my son were bounding.

"Yeah, he watches those documentaries on TV about all that, and he literally memorizes every single word about it, it really surprises me sometimes. But reason I ask that is, well I don't make enough to bought him a real piano, I know he'd loved one, but I can't right now, so I was wondering if a synthesizer was a good alternative."

"Ooh, I can help you to buy a piano, I..." she starts, but I'm going to stop her right there.

"No, no, no. I didn't ask you this for that."

"I know that Stef. But he would be so happy, and I would be very happy to see him happy, please." She said giving a cute little face for she knows exactly what I'm going to tell her, but she can't help but try to convince me anyway.

"Lena, no, you're not spending money on my son. It's very nice of you honey, but I won't take your money baby. This face is very cute though." I said smiling and pocking her nose as she sighs knowing that it was a lost battle.

"You're going to pout now? Tell me you're not going to pout, please." I said, burring my nose into her neck, as she crosses her arms across her chest. Again, it was very cute when she does that as well.

"But you never let me..." and before she could continue, we heard her doorbell.

"Thank God." I let escape as she flashed me a look as I couldn't help but grab her face and kiss her playfully.

"You're lucky you're sexy." She said as she stood up to open the door, and I swat her ass as she laughs.

Lena's POV

I stood up to see who could possibly be at my doorstep a Sunday praying that it wasn't my mother, but when I open the door, I might -just a little bit- wish it was my mother.

"Lena!! girl, it's been so long! Too busy with that woman of yours to see your friends, huh?" Jenna said welcoming herself into my apartment as usual, as Kelly follows by rolling her eyes playfully and already apologizing.

I admit that I didn't see them much since I met Stef, and they never met her either, but obviously now she will as I was praying to God Jenna wasn't going to embarrassed me or Stef for, she's a bit special. I really love her, but let's just said that she can be a lot sometime.

I close the door, as Kelly grates me with a hug, as I was wondering if Stef was going to come, or if she was hiding or something.

"You look good Lena, it's very nice to see you." Kelly said softly smiling as Jenna came to me, to hug me as well.

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