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Lena's POV

I was still so sad about what happen with Stef yesterday, I wasn't that mad anymore, just sad. Everything was going so well and for it to go so bad in what? Five minutes? It was unfortunate.

She called me so many times last night, but I was still so angry and hurt that I didn't bother to respond because I would have probably scream at her again.

I know we have to talk, but this morning again, I stayed in my office to avoid her. I don't even know why. Not ready to talk yet, I guess.

I was doing some paperwork and I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!"

When the door open, I look up but didn't see anything until I look lower and see a little head passing through the door.

"Brandon?" I said surprised.

"Can I come in?" he whispers like he just skipped class, even if he didn't since it was lunch break.

"Of course, honey, come here." I said softly smiling at him.

"Everything okay? Are you okay?" I ask concerned for he never came see me like this before.

"Lena?" he said, so sweetly, he really was so cute, and if I'm honest I'm trying not to get attached to him, even if it was harder each day.

"Yes?" I said, coming next to him and making him sit on the couch.

"Why is my mommy so sad?" and that's when my heart broke. Just imagining her sad, and Brandon worried... I really need to speak to her.

"What do you think it is?" I ask to have an idea of how much he knows.

"I don't know... But can you give her a magic kiss? Mines worked last night but not this morning..." he said, sadly.

"You think mines would work?" I said smiling at his innocent and his deep cared for his mom.

"Yes, she told me she's in love with you so it should work, right?" he said as I looked at him shocked, for she never said that to me, ever. I would have remembered because, well... intimately, I was waiting for her to say it.

"She said what?" I ask a little too fast as he gasps and put his hands on his mouth.

"Brandon?" I said gently as I could tell he was feeling a little guilty.

"Mommy said it was our secret..." I was curious now.

"Don't worry baby, she's not gonna be mad. It has escaped you, it's okay, don't worry." I said smiling at him.

"So... when did she told you that?" I ask not able to help it.

"When she said that you were her girlfriend. Are you in love with my mommy, Lena?" How sweet was that, honestly, I was fighting my tears right now.

"I'm very in love with your mommy, and I'll make sure that she wouldn't be so sad anymore, okay?" I said stroking his hand as he surprised me, by putting his little arms around me, hugging me, as I couldn't help but do the same.

"Thank you." he whispers, before pulling away, jumping and running out.

It's decided, I'll talk to her when she'll come pick up Brandon. Plus, she does need a magic kiss after all.
Our relationship is still new, and I know the way she reacted was just how she is, she's impulsive, I can see that, and I admit than I'm not use to it. I'm more like to think about thing, for a very long time, sometime maybe too long, and that's how I am. I guess we still need to work on our relationship and learn more about how the other function.

So, I waited at my usual spot seeing her arrived as I admit I make it seem like I didn't see her, for she did was in the wrong on this one, so I wanted her to come to me first.

I felt her approached me, she was almost next to me.

"Mommy!!" I heard Brandon yell, like he does every day when he sees his mother, which she told me she loved more than anything. And I turn around to look at this exchange, meeting her eyes briefly.

"Hi my love. How was school today?" she said wrapping her arms around him, as she looked at me quickly before give Brandon her attention back.

"It was great. I even get a new magic kiss for you, right Lena?" he said happily, so much for waiting for her to come to me, but well, Brandon did, so I guess I'll go with it.

"A new what? I don't..." and before she could say anything, I grab her and kissed her right on the lips, since my boss wasn't here today luckily, and there weren't many people around.

"Hey! Lena! When I said a magic kiss, I was thinking on the cheek!" He said reprimanding me with his tiny little voice, so I pulled away, as Stef looked at me completely surprised and confused, which was pretty amusing.

"Oops, sorry. Let me arrange that." I said looking at him before kissing Stef cheek softly as she blushes and smiles.

"Okay, not that I'm complaining but, what just happened?" she said looking at the both of us.

"Ooh, sorry, that's our little secret, right Brandon?" I said winking at him as he nods furiously a huge smile on his face before he ran to the car, leaving Stef and I standing there.

I could tell she was still surprised, but also relieve, but I let her talk first.

"Lena, I don't know what just happened here, but I want to say that I'm sorry, I really am, I'm always so quick to react and I'm sorry, you were right, I should have listened to you first, stay and see what you've done after she kissed you. I was a complete asshole, and I'm really, really sorry." She said, as it was evident that she had been rehearsing that one in her head all day long, which was cute as well.

"You're finish?" I said, not caring about that at all, for something else was in my mind right now.

"Hum... yes?" she said, a bit worry and confused again.

"So, you're in love with me, huh?" I said, stroking her arm with my fingertip as she gasped at my statement.

"I... I'm gonna kill that kid." She said, blushing and looking away.

"No, you don't, that kid just saved your ass, in case you didn't notice." I said as she blushes even more, it was so damn cute.

"So... are you? In love?" I said again, for I was desperate to hear those word, as pathetic as it sounds, I wanted those words to come out of her mouth.

"Of course I am. I fell in love with you the first time I saw you right there on that bench, and I'm falling in love with you each day since. And as cheesy as that sound, I mean it Lena, I do." She said, honestly, as this was so much more that I expect and I was thrilled, and happy, and even more in love. I didn't expect it to do a difference, but it did.

"I think you deserve another magic kiss." I said kissing her cheek, but I know she wanted it on her lips.

"Can you do the other magic kiss? It worked better as I recall." She said smiling and playing innocent.

"Too risky here honey, I have to tell my boss, so that I can kiss you here just sometime when we can't help it. If parents go complaint, it would be a mess. But why don't you and Brandon come by for dinner tonight, I'll cook so no one would die, and then we can... you know, find a little time to a very special magic kiss."

"You mean...?"

"NO! Not that when your son's here, you became addicted or what?" I said playing innocent as well, for I did make it seem like I was talking about sex on purpose.

"Addicted to you baby." She said sexily and grinning.

"Okay, way too much this time babe. Go now, before I do something bad." I said flirting.

"How bad?" she asked whispering.

"GO!" I order still smiling for dear life, as she laughed, then kissed my cheek before walking away. 

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