She's The One

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Lena's POV

Brandon saying that he loved me, was something that again, I didn't expect but my heart was damn near exploding for I loved him too. This little boy was amazing and the more we spend time together along with his mom, the more it feels like we were a family, and my heart was opening more and more.

I wanted more of it, so much more and it was scaring me to no end for Stef and I don't really talk about the future. Sure, she said that she wanted a life with me, but what does that mean exactly, what would it be like? We didn't discuss all of that, and I think we should, but I really don't know how for, I don't want to come out needy or desperate...

Anyway. I finally end up setting the table and start to eat, chatting and laughing, just enjoying our time together.

"Mr. Stewart, what was Lena like when she was little?" Brandon asked my dad.

"Just Stewart is fine buddy. And my Lena was, well very little and she was the sweetest just like you if I think about it, she always cared for the animals, but this girl was scared of everything."

"Daddy!" I complain.

"What? It was true baby! But not anymore, right?" he said smiling at me, looking innocent.

"Well..." Stef said as I flashed her a look.

"Stef." I warn, as she giggles.

"Mommy loves to hide behind something and jump to make Lena scream." Brandon blurts out, chuckling as Stef wink at me, almost blushing for she always tells me that she doesn't do it on purpose when she appears from nowhere.

"And Lena loves to pretend that she's pouting when we play board game so that mommy let her win." He said, and I didn't know he picked that one up as I avoid Stef's eyes.

"So, you cheat!" Stef exclaim as I look at her looking innocent.

"Well, technically, I don't do anything, you do." I said smirking as she gave me a defiant look as I knew I was going to get it later, and I couldn't wait for it.

"Okay, okay, now that you gave away everybody's little secret, why don't you give us one of yours? Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend already?" my mom said as Stef look completely horrify.

"God Dana, you want to kill me or what?" Stef joke as my mom giggle and Brandon blush.

"What? Lena had her first girlfriend when she was 6." My mom said smiling as I bugged my eyes. It wasn't really a girlfriend though, it was just a little crush I guess, but yeah, boys never, ever were my thing.

"You knew?" I asked surprised.

"Of course, I kind of knew. I'm your mother, dear, I know everything." she said nonchalantly.

"You were fast my love. B don't be so fast, take aaalllll your time baby." Stef said, for this was her little boy that she wanted to keep little and to herself.

"I never want a girlfriend; I want to stay with you forever!" Brandon said making us laugh for we'll see that when he'll be a teenager.

"Aww, my baby, I should record this." Stef said kissing his head as he smiles.

"So now that we met the son, would we be meeting the parents soon?" My father asked. And that's when the table went silent.

I didn't mention Stef's parents to mom and dad, it wasn't my place to tell this story, and I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. Now maybe I should have at least said that it wasn't a light topic for Stef literally froze.

"We don't go over to grandpa and grandma's anymore." Brandon said breaking the silence, as I could feel all Stef's wall coming up as she loses her smile.

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