In Charge

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Stef's POV

Of course, I managed to find some stuff on this man, this bastard I would even say. I knew a lot of judges in town by now, and a lot of detectives, some were my friends, and some owed me services.
Gary's father wasn't a nice guy that's for sure and I don't care how powerful he is, I don't care what he does in his life, it's his fucking business and he have his own conscious to live with. But there's no way all of that was going to be a problem for my son.

I felt for this Gary kid, because, after reflection he was just a kid, and if his parent doesn't give him any limits, then lives would certainly do so, and he would unfortunately not be prepared and that was sad.

However, it was Brandon my responsibility; and his safety wasn't negotiable.

So we were now, sitting in Lena's office, she was behind her desk as me and this piece of shit were sit in front of her.

"Mr. De La Court, we once again find your child bulling another one, this behavior is unacceptable in our school. I really think you should talk to him, and maybe take him to a therapist. This kind of behavior is often a sign of pain in young children, maybe it would be wise to get to the bottom of it." Lena said very professionally to this tall man, who was looking at us like he owned us or something.

"Lady, I don't pay you to think, my kid can do what he wants because he's perfectly fine, he's not some psycho to need a therapist." He said very rudely, and I was biting my tongue for now, but he wasn't going to insult her very long.

"I'm not your employed sir. I'm Miss Adams for you, not "lady" and I'm doing my job here. Your son is out of control, and it isn't safe for the other kids." Lena said again, not impressed by any means, and I was glad to see that she could defend herself. Not that I thought that she couldn't, but I guess I was nervous about her job since she looked fearful earlier.

"I don't care about the other kids, and YOU should tell your husband to teach his kid to fight, so he wouldn't get bullied. It's not Gary's fault if some little boys think they're girls and just take it." He blurts out looking at me as I was going to exploded, he really was a fucking asshole, and I'm gonna have his fucking head.

Lena by now was shocked and was trying to find what to say. But I was going to take charge now.

"You know sir, you really should low your voice, and learn a bit of respect. You're maybe rich, but man, your education is shit." I said, trying to remain as calm as possible.

"Do you know who I am? I could take your badge right now if I wanted, be very careful at how you speak to me. That's what happen when you allow some ladies on the force, they think they got power." He said almost laughing as I wanted to ring his fucking neck.

"Hey! You should show some respect sir! This is intolerable and..." Lena starts rising her voice as the bastard almost breaks her desk, banging his fist on it.

"And who do you think you are!? You better go find me Sanchez! Remember that it's because of me, that you have somewhere to work!" he yells at her face, as I think that if I could kill him right now I would.

"I fucking suggest you leave her alone, before my fist finds your face! Besides, I think you should be very quiet while listening at what I'm going to say because I know some stuff, you piece of shit, I know some ugly stuff on you, so you better watch your fucking mouth with her." I said coming in his face as well, for he wasn't going to intimidate Lena, I wouldn't allow it.

"I'm going to find fucking Sanchez myself. YOU, I'll have your badge, and YOU I'll have your stupid job as well." he said, standing her, screaming and walking toward the door.

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