You're Mine

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Lena's POV

I was at Stef's place this Friday night; she was packing Brandon's bag for the weekend at his father as I was waiting on the couch.

As usual, we ate all together as Brandon and I were getting to know each other more and more, he wasn't shy with me anymore and I could sometime catch Stef staring at us as we were having our little conversation and he was very sweet to see the spark in her eyes for I knew Brandon was her life, and since she loved me, she wanted us to be close as well.

For my part Brandon was getting a very special place in my heart and I was wondering if it was a good thing. He was so sweet and sensitive like his mother; he was very smart, and I was wondering what I would be to him as my relationship with his mom progress.

"You have everything love? You're sure?" Stef said to Brandon as Mike already called to say that he was outside.

"Yes, mommy I told you!" he said for Stef was driving him crazy sometime, but I guess that's what parents do at time, and it was very sweet to see their dynamic.

"Okay, okay! Well, I'll come get you Sunday night, okay? And if anything is wrong or whatever, you don't hesitate you call me, okay? Even if everything is okay you can call me if you want, okay?" Stef said, as I could tell she was nervous, and anxious to let him go.

"Okay mom, don't worry; Daddy will take care of me." Brandon said, taking his mom's hand, reassuring her. He was so much like her sometimes, it was messing with my heart.

"I know he will my baby. Go say bye to Lena, I'm going to go outside with you." she said stroking his sweet face as Brandon ran to me, opening his arms wide and hugged me tightly. I was a bit surprised, but I welcomed it gladly and hug him back.

"Have fun at your dad's sweety." I said softly.

"Thank you. You take care of my mom Lena, okay?" he said softly as my heart melt for that was so damn cute as I catch Stef almost blushing.

"I will. You can count on me. Pinky promise?" I said showing him my pinky finger as he did the same.

Then he kissed my cheek softly and ran back to his mom. Honestly, I could get used to it. It was scary to admit it, but I always wanted a family and it's like there's one right here for me.

"Bye Lena!" he said before taking his mom's hand and basically drag her outside for we knew he missed his father dearly.

So I was waiting patiently for Stef to return, when my phone went off. Seeing it was Jenna, I respond because otherwise she was going to harass me, and I wanted to make love to Stef and not be disturb.

"Hey Jenna, what's up?" I said softly.

"Lena, you won't believe the miracle that happen tonight, we had finally been able to place Garret somewhere for the night. So, what do you say we all go to the bar tonight, huh?" here we go again.

"Jenna I'm sorry but I plan to have sex tonight honestly." I said, not wanting to play game and going directly at the point.

"Oh, so Stef is free then. Great, she could meet all of our friends like that." she said completely ignoring my point.

"Did you hear a single word I said?" I said giggling for it was insane how she couldn't help it.

"Come on Lena. How often can we be able to go out, all at the same time? Please, it's been a while since we did something all of us together, you can have sex after, I'm sure you'll manage that, am I right?" she said suggestively, we were friend for so long I can't remember. And she knew that when I wanted something, I often get it.

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