Beautiful Means Dangerous

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Stef's POV

I can't believe that Mike had drunk until he couldn't even move, when Brandon was with him on top of that. If he wanted to get some revenge on me, that was exactly the way, for there's no better to hurt me than to pass through my son.

Problem is, Brandon is his son too, how could he do this to him? My poor baby is now terrified, and he got so much stress in his tiny body that I didn't know what to do.

We were now at the hospital, with Mike unconscious. The doctor said that he was okay and that he just needed to rest and get rehydrated, but Brandon needs to see that his dad is okay, after seeing him half dead on the floor.

He can't stop crying, and he doesn't want to talk, and my rage was building more and more. That he wants to make my life hell, it's one thing, but putting Brandon in the middle, that wasn't happening.

In fact, Brandon is not going at his place until I can be sure and certain that he would be safe and taken care of. Until Mike gets help and stop fucking drinking.

"Mrs. Fosters, your husband is awake. You can see him." A young man, said politely as I nod at him.

"Okay B, see, daddy is okay, we can go see him and then, we'll go home, okay my baby?" I said, trying to remain as calm as possible even though I was boiling inside.

I understand that Mike is having a hard time right now, I know it's my fault, but Brandon is off limit, he can't do things like this. Brandon should always come first, and tonight he didn't at all.

I took my son's little hand into mine and guide him towards his father's room as I glare hard at Mike, and he knew better than to look back at me.

"Daddy, are you okay? I thought you weren't going to wake up, I was scared!" Brandon said, crying as it was breaking my heart and getting me even angrier at Mike for putting him in this situation.

"I'm sorry I scared you B, I'm okay I promise kid, daddy is strong you know that right?" he said trying his best to make Brandon stop crying.

"Are you sick daddy, are you going to die?" he asked his voice breaking as it was killing me more and more.

"No, no I'm not sick B, I promise I'm fine, I just fell, okay? Everything is okay my boy." Mike said, smiling.

"Okay, I love you daddy."

"I love you too B. It's time you go to bed now, okay?" he said as Brandon nod and give his daddy a kiss.

"Okay baby, go in the waiting room and wait for me, just a minute, I need to talk to daddy just a second, okay?" I said to Brandon, kissing his forehead as he did as I asked.

When he left the room, I glare at Mike with nothing but anger into my eyes.

"Stef, I'm sorry, I know I..."

"Oh save it Mike! Don't you dare said that you're fucking sorry? Do you see what you just do to him? Are you fucking crazy?" I said, angrier than ever.

"I'm crazy? You're crazy, leaving me for a woman! Do you know how that feels? This is your fault Stef!"

"Shut up Mike! I didn't put a fucking bottle in your hand, that is YOUR choice. And I'm telling you, Brandon is not coming at your place anymore, you hear me? You'll see him when I'm here, I don't trust you with him anymore. And you better get your shit together and go to AA or whatever, because I swear to God, my son will not live with a drunk. I won't allow it!" I said, looking dead into his eyes.

"He's my son too, you can't do this! I'll..."

"Try me Mike, just try me!" I said, now leaving the room for I couldn't see his face anymore.

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