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Stef's POV

Lena has been quite surprising when her friends were here. I never saw her tell someone off like that, she looked angry, and I wonder why.

"So..." I start but she beats me and cut me off.

"You weren't shy with them, huh?"

"Shy? I'm not shy with anyone." I said, not knowing where that was going.

"You were with me, at first." She said, still smiling but I could feel this tension that I felt when her friend talked about her exes, and it made me very curious.

"With you, because I liked you, you were so beautiful, you still are, but at first I didn't know how to act around you, you made me nervous." I said softly, almost actually feeling shy for admitting it.

"Oh, I remember, you were stuttering and blushing, you were so cute, I wanted to kiss you already." She said excited, as I smile even more.

"You like it when you can make me flustered and all that, huh?" I said playfully for I know she enjoy it very much.

"Maybe..." she said, playing innocent, as she was very sexy when she does that, but right now, I wanted to address the things that obviously she doesn't want to talk about, but I'm intrigued now, and if I don't ask, I'm gonna think about it endlessly and that's not a good idea.

"So, baby..." I start, but again, she cut me off, this time by pressing her lips on mines, and that was even more suspect. Even though her lips feel amazing, I'm starting to get anxious about all that.

"Lena..." I said between kisses, trying to get her attention.

"Stop talking." She said, before sliding her tongue into my mouth, making me moan, and almost lose track for a second, but this time I pull away more firmly, gripping her arms, so she couldn't approach my mouth again.

"Okay, what is this all about? Why are you trying to distract me, love?" I said as she sights deeply, knowing that I get her little game.

"I don't want to talk about it." she said defeat, as I was really wondering what was so shocking, or scandalous about her past.

"I can see that babe, but why? Is it because you have a lot of exes, or something, because I'm telling you right now, I don't care, as long as you're not with them or seeing them anymore, I don't care how many they are." I said, assuming that maybe she was scared that I think lowly of her or something.

"Agr, I could kill Jenna." She said, putting her head down.

"Lena, I don't understand. We are honest with each other since the beginning, you know basically everything about my past, even the shameful parts. Why is it different now? You... I really don't understand." I said trying to remain calm, but that kind of situation is not helping my anxiety.

"They almost all cheated on me. Now you know. Happy?" she blurts out, clearly upset, before standing up to go, but I grab her hand and make her sit.

"No, I'm not happy. Why would I be? And why wouldn't you just tell me, love?" I said trying to have all the information before I speak.

"It's not something that I'm proud of, Stef, I'm not screaming at who wants to hear it that all my girlfriends cheated on me because I was too boring, too needy or something. Especially when one of them, the one I wanted to marry, cheated with my best friend, I'm not proud of not knowing how to choose the people in my life, so I don't talk about it. I told you that I didn't want to talk about it." she said now angry, as I couldn't help but be angry myself, for how could someone hurt her like that? She's literally the kindest person I've ever met.

"My love, you have nothing to be ashamed of, they do. They did this to you, and you didn't do anything to deserve it, they're either crazy, or stupid, or both. You're certainly not boring and it's not a matter of choosing babe, it's a matter of the other person if they are loyal and faithful, when they aren't, then it's a problem with them and them only, not with you. And you know what? They lost something, they really did, one day they'll regret it, but it would be too late, because I'm here now, and just so you know, I never cheated on anyone before, and I don't plane on cheated on you either. And it's not because I'm crazy in love with you, even though I very much am, but it's just because I'm not like that, I just can't cheat, I couldn't do it even if I wanted to, which I don't." I said as she starts crying as I was talking and I slide closer to her, my arms around her.

"Crazy in love?" she said, lifting her head with a small smile as she was wiping her tears.

"Hell yes. And baby, there's nothing you can't tell me or share with me. I'm not going to judge you, and I'll always be on your side. Not saying that I won't be honest with you about what I think, but I'll always take your side and your defense in front of people, either they're friends or not. Next time Jenna is bringing that up when obviously it still hurt you, I'll just jump her. Simple." I said very seriously as she giggles.

"But you like her, I could see it, I though you'll click more with Kelly though." She said softly as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"I do like Jenna, she seems a bit crazy, but she's funny. However, you come first, always. So now, seriously. Tell me you believe me when I say that you don't have to hide anything from me, and that I won't cheat on you, ever. Tell me, love." I said, taking her face between my hands so she could see into my eyes, that I wasn't just saying this, I mean every single word I said.

"I believe you, and I'm crazy in love with you too." She said smiling wide.

"Oh yeah? Want to show me that?" I said smirking, as this was enough to make her straddle my laps immediately as she took off her shirt.

I think very soon, I'm going to ask her to live with me. Maybe not now, for Brandon still needs time, and Mike is about to come back soon. But very soon, for I can't wait to hold her slim body into my arms all night, every night.


That was a small one, but I think you are going to like the next one ;)
Hope you enjoy!

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