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Stef's POV

I wish it was Monday already, I couldn't get enough of her, and it was messing with my head, for what is wrong with me?

I'm not even gay, and I'm married, and I have a child. But yet, why none of that matter when I look into her eyes? Why is everything melting away when she just touches my hand? And what is that feeling in my stomach every damn time that I'm near her?

I can't even avoid her anymore. Something is happening to me, and I don't know what. I'm confused as hell.

Meanwhile, I have to talk to Mike about what happen with B at school. I also needed to know why Brandon didn't have his lunch with him yesterday. So, I figured that I would leave B at my parent's and go see Mike at the house for it was now out of the question that he hears us screaming at each other again and I needed to make that very clear with Mike as well.

I got out of my car and walk toward the door. Sure, I still have the keys, but I decided to knock and wait, we were separated after all, and I don't feel like this house is my home anymore.

"Oh, hi Stef, you finally decided to come back home, want a beer?" he said as soon as he saw me.

"A beer? Are you crazy? It's 9 in the morning. And no, I'm not coming back, we just need to talk about B."

"Come on Stef. How long this is gonna last? The whole precinct is already asking questions, beside I don't like all those guys thinking you're free." He said, going in the kitchen as I follow him.

"I don't care if they are talking, or what they are thinking. I told you that we should go to therapy, but you said no, so drop it. I'm not here for that anyway, I'm here to talk about our son." I said, taking a sit at the table.

"God, we talk about him all the time, give me a break. Brandon is fine. And can you tell me why Robert is giving us both new partners? Did you ask for it?" he said, as I really don't want to talk about that, or about us for that matter.

"Yes, I did Mike, fighting on the job is not safe at all. It's better this way. And for your information Mike, your son is not fine, he's sick of hearing us fight and that have to stop, he's been bullied at school as well. Also, how the fuck did you forget to give him his lunch?" I said, getting frustrated at him and seeing all the beer cans in the corner of the kitchen wasn't helping me to relax at all.

"What do you mean bullied? I'm sure it's just kids messing around Stef, besides B need to become tougher, you're over-mothering him, a nothing makes him cry, I'm sure your father would agree with me." He said, avoiding the subject and very much pissing me off.

"Calling him baby every five minute is not what's going to help him become a man, he's too sensitive for a boy." And that's when I thought I was hearing my own father, and it was infuriating me to no end for never I would want for Brandon to growing up like I did, that's for sure.

"Shut your damn mouth about Brandon, you don't talk like that about him, you hear me? And that I never hear that you say such thing to him, because believe me, you'll never saw him again. He is who he is, and is perfect just like that, so you better watch your mouth, I'm not kidding, and I'm not telling you twice." I said, coming in his face and not fucking blinking.

He knew right here that I wasn't messing around, and that I would not hesitate one second to get Brandon out of this kind of environment, and Mike knew better than to try me.

"Okay, okay, geez." He said, getting away from me.

"Now, that said. Can you tell me why on earth you didn't give him lunch, was this the first time or a habit now?" I ask, rather sarcastically for I was on the edge now and I needed to get out of here to calm down and be able to breathe again.

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