Okay !

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Lena's POV

"Lena I'm in front of your building, I'm waiting for you, and I won't leave until I see you." I receive on my phone as I was just back from school.

Surprisingly it was Stef, and I don't know if I'm happy that she wants to talk to me again, or angry because she won't leave me alone and force me to see her.

"I don't want to talk to you. Please go away." I replied, because I don't want to listen to her, I don't want to because it hurts. I want to be with her, all of her, not just a little bit of her.

"I can stay here all day, all night if I have to Lena, I won't give up." She said as I looked through my window and saw her leaning against her car. With my luck she looked up just in time to see me, and she show me her phone and put in in her car so I can't tell her to go.

This is making me furious, she can't just come here, and force me to listen to her, telling me that she likes me fine but that she can't divorce Mike, I won't accept it.

I stay a little while, trying to think of what to do. Time to time I peak from the window discreetly to see if she was still here, and yes, she was, and it doesn't seem like she's going to go away, in fact it's like she doesn't have anything better than this to do.

Fuck, if I don't go see her, she'll stay there, and I will not be able to think about anything else. Arg! Okay, I'll go see her, but she's not going to have the occasion to talk before I say what I have to say. No way.

I look at myself in the mirror one last time, because well... I... because I wanted to.

I took several deep breaths, and I finally left my apartment, all the way down, I was trembling, trembling from what, I don't know, but I was.

When I finally was outside, I saw her, God that woman is beautiful and sexy. But no, I can't do this, it's not fair. I have to go there and tell her to leave me alone and for good.

When she saw me, she turns her body to face me, and I didn't let her the time to speak, I start right away.

"I'm not doing this, I'm not. I'm not getting involved with a married woman. Women like you, you are just passing through, but this is where I live Stef!"

Stef's POV

Damn she's gorgeous, she really is, but she needs to shut up. I didn't hear a single word she said anyway. I want her to shut up and listen to me.

So, the second she took a breath, I didn't let her say one more word, I start talking. My heart is beating so fast, faster that it never has, but I have to tell her.

"I told Mike, and I told my dad and I told all of my... well, most of my friend. I told them I'm gay." I blurt out as she looks at me, but I don't know what she's thinking. But I'm not done, so I continue.

"I even used the word lesbian." I said, as she looked at me still a bit skeptical, I guess, but I understand why, and again I'm not done.

"I told them I met a woman that I can't live without and I... I belong with you Lena." I said as my emotion was getting the best of me, but I have to keep it inside and keep going in case she rejected me, because I won't let her go that easily, not this time. I'll fight.

She seems a bit sensitive as well right now, but she didn't say anything and I'm starting to freakout, but I have to stay calm, but at the same time my bravado was leaving me a little.

"That is, if you'll..."

"You had me at 'lesbian'." She Interrupted almost shocked herself, and thank God, because I thought I was going to faint.

I could finally breath and a smile grew across my face as I took her arms to pull her into me. She still seems a bit hesitant, but she put her hands on my waist and I lean my forehead against hers, as my hands went to her back after a quick look at her lips that I missed so much during these past few days.

So much that I couldn't help but take her lower lip between mine and I felt her melt into me as I melt into her for, I didn't care on bit that we were in public. I had hide enough. Maybe I would not be always one hundred per cent comfortable in public at first, but I'll do my best for her and also for me.

Then with a final peck on her lips, we pull aways slightly. As I smile, drawing into her beautiful eyes.

"So you're..." she start, but I know what she's gonna say.

"Yes, I'm getting a divorce. I want to be free for me, but also for you. It wasn't faire of me to make you feel like second best, I'll be careful not to do that anymore love, okay?" I said softly as she smiles so wide at me that it was making me dizzy.

"Okay." She smiled. We locked eyes again for a while and then I stroke her cheek. I have one last thing to say.

"And I... I love you, Lena." I said for the first time, meaning it with all my heart, my voice breaking as a huge grin spread on her face again and I smile. My new life can start now.

"Okay!" she said amused.

"Lena!" I protested, but still not able to get this silly smile off my face for I wanted her to say it back, because I know she does love back.

"What? I literally screamed that I was in love with you already, so you're coming?" she said, taking my hand and dragging me inside of the building as I couldn't help but smile ever wider for yes, she did yell that.

When we got into the elevator, still hand in hand and smiling for dear life, she turns me towards her and stroke my cheek gently.

"I love you too." She whispers as I felt my heart explode again. Now, I'm happy.

We still have a lot of things to figure out, but now, I can finally enjoy my life.


Sorry, short chapter, the next one won't be long either, but after that they're longer.
I hope you enjoy :) 

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