First Real Date

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Stef's POV

It's been three weeks since Brandon went back to school, three weeks where he keeps asking me why he couldn't go at his father's and three weeks where I didn't know what to say to him.

Sure, he saw Mike a few times, but only at home and when I was there, for I was really scared to let him alone with his father now.

Mike wasn't happy about it at all, but I know that he's still drinking since the guys saw him at the bar. Some of them even come to me saying it was my fault and that fucked him up. Not wanting to make a scene at work, I let them talk, I hope one day they'll just get tired and mind their own busyness.

What was also frustrating was that I couldn't see Lena as much as I wanted. She was always at school, when Brandon is there with her and I'm alone and free. But when she was free, I have Brandon, that is still processing the news about the divorce, and since I couldn't trust Mike and they were no way that I was asking my parents -if I can still call them that anyway- then I was resigned to see Lena, late at night when she would come by. But it wasn't long, and we couldn't do much and I was afraid that she would get tired of it.

In the meantime, the divorce papers were finally ready. I signed them right away, and now, I was waiting for Mike to sign them and give them back.

I wasn't talking to him, and he wasn't talking to me, and honestly, I was fine with that. I know he must be frustrated with the arrangement about Brandon, but I wasn't budging. He wants to have Brandon at home? Then he'll get sober, until then Brandon is not getting out of my sight.

"Mommy, mommy! Matt invited me for a sleep over tomorrow night!" Brandon said running to me, barely seeing Lena.

"Oh yeah? You're sure? Did he ask his mom?" I said, prying that it was true. Don't get me wrong, I love my little boy more than life itself, but Lena and I needed a little bit of time as well.

"Yes, he said his mom said yes! Can I go mom? Pleaaaase!!" he begs, doing the poppy dog eyes, and he's so damn cute when he does that. And Lena laughs at me.

"Lena, tell mommy, that Matt's mommy is cool!" he said looking at Lena, as she was a bit surprised that he had involved her.

"Well, yeah Matt's mom is very cool, he's right Stef." She said thinking what I'm thinking.

"Well, since the assistant vice principal herself said so..." I said as his face light up.

"Really, I can?!" he said excited.

"Yes, but I'd need to talk to her first, okay?"

"Okay! Oh! And maybe you can't be friend with her, and since you like girls now, maybe his mom like girls too and Matt and I could be brother!!"

Oh my God! He did not just say that! In front of Lena!

Well, at least I guess now I know he understood what gay is, that's a giant step, but damn, I didn't saw that one coming. As I look at Lena, who was trying very hard not to laugh her ass off.

"Right Lena?" he said turning to face her, as I was so red, and I didn't know what to do with myself.

"Hum I don't know bud, what do you say Stef? Fancy a new girlfriend?" she said amused, not helping me at all as I gave her a look before leaning to talk to my son.

"Baby, I... it doesn't work like that. Maybe Matt's mom is already with someone else, or... or maybe I'm already with someone else." I said just to see his reaction as now Lena's face come back to be serious.

"Oh, I didn't think about that. Okay! But can I still go, when you'll talk to her?" he said, as he took it pretty well, maybe he was more ready than I thought after all.

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