Memory Lane

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By McFly

Memory lane

We're here again

Back to the days and I'll remember you always

So much has changed

Now it feels like yesterday I went away

"We can't talk here," Lucy insisted nervously. She didn't want to be caught here with Matt when Charlie made it home. It would open up a lot of discussions that Lucy wasn't ready for.  She'd never admitted that she'd even been to Huntington Beach, let alone tell her daughter that she knew the guys.  And to have to explain that she'd dated M Shadows...well Charlie was smart. She'd do the math in no time.

"Okay," he said slowly leaning against the door jamb "This is your town. Where do you want to go?"

"Ruby's Diner?" she asked pulling her messy hair up into a pony tail, an action Matt remembered well. It took him a minute to reply.

"Uh sure, do you want to ride with..."

"No," she said quickly "I need to pick up Charlie on the way home anyway. Probably just best if I drive my own car."

She didn't want to be alone with him. That stung. "Okay, so I guess I'll head that way and grab us a table."

"And I'll make myself presentable and be there right after you," she said hurriedly.

"If you're not there in 30 minutes, I'm going to come looking for you," he said flashing his dimples.

"I'll be there," she said hoarsely.


True to her word, she made herself presentable enough to appear in public with the lead singer of Avenged Sevenfold. Although she hoped no one would recognize him and it would be just a normal breakfast. She tamed her wavy hair by braiding it in a loose French braid. Along with some khaki shorts and navy blue knit tee, she entered the diner and smiled at the hostess who was familiar with.

"Hey Lucy," the older woman called "Just you today? Where is that adorable Charlie?"

"Charlie ditched me to stay with a friend," Lucy explained.

"Teenagers," the woman shook her head in commiseration "Your usual table?"

"Actually, no," Lucy replied as she looked around and spotted Matt at a table near the window. So much for staying under the radar. "I'm meeting someone."

"Really?" the woman's face brightened

"Yes, mam, he's sitting over there," Lucy pointed and began to make her way toward the table.

Matt removed his glasses again as she approached.  "You made it," he said with dimples wide.

"I made it," she nodded "Did you think I wouldn't?"

He fiddled with the salt shaker he had between his hands "I guess I don't know what to expect from you."

Lucy didn't know what to say and was glad for the distraction when  the waitresses and took their drink orders. Lucy had coffee and he ordered a soda.

"So how is band life treating you?" Lucy asked taking the bull by the horns by initiating conversation.

He leaned back draping his arm across the back of the booth. "It fucking fantastic," he declared.

Lucy couldn't help but smile "You guys have come a long way from playing in your garage."

"Right?" he asked as the waitress placed his drink in front of him.

"Are you all ready to order?" she asked politely as she gave Lucy a small saucer of cream.

"Ready?" Matt asked her

"Uh sure, I'll just have my usual, Sara," she replied and the waitresses nodded.

Matt smiled at Lucy as he handed the waitress the menu. "I'll have the same."

"I could be ordering egg whites and fruit," Lucy joked.

"And that would be fine with me," he replied "But I remember a few things and I know you like pancakes."

Do not be impressed that he remembered that, Lucy reminded herself. She shrugged and stirred her coffee.

"How is Val doing?" she asked.

He winced a bit "She's good. I think. I haven't talked to her in a few days. One of the joys of road life."

"She doesn't tour with you guys anymore?"

His eyebrow lifted and she rushed to explain "I have a teenage daughter and you guys are her favorite band. I know just about everything there is to know about you guys down to the brand of underwear that you prefer."

"Fangirls," he chuckled. "Tell her not to believe everything she reads on the internet."

"I heard you had a baby boy...River, right? Congratulations," she offered sipping her coffee.

"Thanks, he's a handful but there's nothing better than being a dad."

If he only knew, she thought. "Even better than being on stage?"

"Yeah, even better than that," he said before taking a big gulp of his Coke. "So what do you now?"

"Do now?" she asked confusedly "Oh you mean like for a living."

He chuckled "What did you think I meant?"

"I...I have no idea what I thought," she replied. "I'm a teacher."

"No shit?" he asked.

"Yeah, no shit. I teach US History for high school."

"Talk about hot for teacher," he joked and Lucy laughed.

They had an awkward silence, just kind of staring at each other before he spoke again. "Is this where you've been all this time?"

"In this diner? No." she looked around before settling her blue eyes on him "But in Anaheim? Yes. My grandmother lives here."

He cleared his throat "You just left. Like one day you were there and the next day you were gone."

"My mom wanted to spend more time with my grandma so we moved," she lied.

"That fast? One day to the other?" he looked at her unsure.

"Is this what you wanted to talk about?" she asked, a little relieved.

He nodded "Yeah, I think you owe me an explanation. I mean...we were..."

"We were nothing, Matt," she interrupted "It was fake, remember? It was an act. And it worked damn good too. You married her."

"It was fake," he repeated "If you say so."

Lucy gave him a wan smile "It's in the past Matt. I'm sorry if I didn't say goodbye. I...I just didn't know how to," she said honestly.

He wanted to press further but he didn't. She was right. What's past was past. But if that was true why was he with her? Why was he content to be sitting here in a hole in the wall diner with her in Anaheim, California when he should be on his way to San Jose with the band? He should be trying to get in touch with his wife who was ditching his calls. Instead, he was staring into the blue eyes of the girl who had broken his heart.

"You could have tried," he pressed "You should always say goodbye."

Lucy looked out of the window. She knew who he was thinking about. "I heard about Jimmy. I'm so, so sorry."

She looked sincere so he nodded. "It was a rough time."

"But you guys bounced back. Arin is a great drummer," she smiled "Or so Charlie says."

 "Tell me about her," he asked.

She's your daughter, Lucy wanted to blurt. But instead she just said "What do you want to know?"

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