A Little Piece of Heaven

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You all know the words :) 

Six months later....

Val and Matt's divorce had been finalized. Luckily for everyone involved, Val chose to care more about the well being of their son rather than try to fight for Matt. For that Lucy was thankful.

Charlie was besides herself with happiness that her parents were finally together and that she'd inherited a little brother, the cutest little bug ever that she was lucky to spend a lot of time with thanks to her babysitting ability.. After all that was every kid's dream and the fact that her dad was the lead singer of the best fucking rock band ever made life even sweeter. Not that Lucy let Charlie get spoiled. During the school year, they remained in the Anaheim house where Matt moved some of his stuff in. Every break he got, he returned home to be with them. 

Lucy felt incredibly lucky as she stood backstage at Rockfest in Wisconsin. True, Matt made her crazy most of the time but his sense of humor and sexy body saved them every time. He knew when to pull out the humor, the dimples or just to take off the shirt.  Every night she spent in his arms, she knows the others were just practice. This was for real. There's no way she'll ever be bored with him and she promised never to let him get bored with her.

The lights went down after  Acid Rain was finished and Lucy's heart beat quickly as the sounds of the crowd yelling "Sevenfold! Sevenfold! Sevenfold!" grew louder. Everyone knew what was coming. She laughed at Matt all the time about the suspense that they tried to create with the encore.

The notes of A Little Piece of Heaven began and the crowd went wild. 

"This never gets old does it?" Lucy leaned over to ask an adorably pregnant Zoey.

"No," Zoey said her eyes on her husband who turned to look over at her with a sexy grin "It never gets old. And the baby loves the music."

Lucy grinned as she put her hand on Zoey's stomach to feel little Elise McKenna Haner kick from inside.  "She sure does. Brian's going to be in more trouble if his daughter is in a rock band."

"Not any more trouble than you and Matt are in with Charlie."

"True," Lucy nodded.

"Where is Charlie anyway?" Zoey asked.

"I think she went to the bathroom. She was with Dan a few minutes ago."

"I hope she gets back soon," Zoey remarked and Lucy looked at her worried. 

"Are you okay?"

Before Zoey could answer, Matt's voice came over the mic as the guys continued to play behind him.

"Rockfest, I need a favor from you guys right now!" he yelled and the crowd screamed loudly.

"I want to bring out my girlfriend...how many of you know my girlfriend Lucy?"

Once again screams from the crowd.

"Yeah she's a fucking babe. Well rumor has it she's in the crowd tonight and I want to bring her out here for this next part. Let's see if you can make enough noise to convince her."

The crowd started clapping and whistling  and started started anxiously looking for her. Matt pretended to scan the crowd for her before locking eyes with Lucy.

Lucy's eyes widened in horror and she started to shake her furiously from side to side as Charlie came up behind her and began to push her towards the stage.

"No, no, no...I'm not going out there. No way, no how, not happening!" She yelled at the top of her lungs as Charlie continued to gently push her to the stage.

"Oh come on, Luce," Matt coaxed from the stage. "It's no big deal. If Johnny can do it, so can you."

Johnny yelled "Fuck yeah" and the crowd clapped harder.

The crowd was clapping for Lucy now in encouragement but she still furiously pushed back against Charlie, who now had her about halfway out on the stage.

"No, please...Charlie, what are you doing? Don't make me do this...I swear to God..." Lucy pleaded desperately.

"Lucy, get your ass over here right now...I'm not going to take no for answer. You've been a closet karaoke lover for years...now's your big chance...get up here, now!" Matt's voice boomed from the stage.

The crowd started chanting: "Lucy!Lucy! Lucy!"

Everyone was wildly clapping and whistling for her and Lucy threw up her hands as she allowed Zacky to take her the rest of the way across the stage.

"I hate you!" She hissed under her breath to him and he  just chuckled.

Matt gave her a wide dimpled grin as Zacky released her hand and placed it in his.

"Lucy Bass, everybody...her very first time up here!" He said to the crowd as they clapped for her.

Lucy was turning a deep shade of red from a comical mixture of embarrassment and sheer rage. She was practically fuming and Matt had to bite his lip to keep from laughing.

She turned and waved at the crowd and they let out a cheer. "I'm going to kill you later," she said through a grin but not loud enough for the mic to pick up.

He kissed her on the cheek and whispered "I love you" as he handed her a microphone. He then turned to the crowd "Okay so where were we?" 

The music changed and Matt looked at her "Do you know this part?"

She nodded resigned and he began to sing to her "I will suffer for so long."

She glared convincingly "What will you do, not long enough."
He grinned "To make it up to you."
She leaned in pretending to swat at him "I pray to God that you do"
He put his hands across his chest and gave her an earnest look "I'll do whatever you want me to do"
She pretended to think "Well then I'll grant you one chance"
He took her free hand and placed against his chest "And if it's not enough"
She shook her head "If it's not enough."
"If it's not enough"
"Not enough"
"Try again"
"Try again"
"And again"
"And again"
"Over and over again" they both sang together.

Thank God Lucy thought as she waved and tried to run off of the stage only to have Zacky and Johnny block her path and shake their heads.

She turned to Matt exasperated but he was leading the crowd through the next part of the song. He took two large strides and was in front of her as he, Zacky and Brian began to sing.

We're coming back, coming back
We'll live forever, live forever
Let's have wedding, have a wedding
Let's start the killing, start the killing  

Matt grinned as he dropped to one knee in front of her with a small  black box in his hand. Opening it while the music played, he exposed a delicate diamond ring and Lucy felt her pulse race.

"Will you marry me"" he asked and even though the crowd didn't hear it, they saw it and they roared their approval.

"Oh shit," Lucy said unconsciously and when Matt chuckled, she cried "Yes, of course."

"Woah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!" the crowd sang and cheered as he stood and placed the ring on her finger. Pulling her into his embrace, he kissed her senseless.

Disoriented when he pulled away, she was surprised to find Zacky standing between them. "Do you take this man in death for the rest of your unnatural life?"

"Yes I do," Lucy said into her mic.

 His green eyes turned to Matt "Do you take this woman in death for the rest of your unnatural life?"

"I do"

"I now pronounce you..."  

Lucy stared down at her ring and then back at her fiance' as he went back to work finishing the song...a song she'd never forget.

A little piece of Heaven.

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