Giving Me A Chance

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By Gotye

You know I never want to let you down

It cuts me up to see you sad

And I wish that I could undo what I've done

Give back the faith in me you had

Lucy stood in the middle of her bedroom packing her duffel bag. She was almost finished packing for her trip to Huntington and she was trying to sneak out without having to explain to much to her mother who had agreed to watch Charlie while she was gone. Luckily Charlie hadn't asked too many questions when Lucy explained it was a teacher's conference. Another lie, but in the grand scheme of things, it obviously wasn't the biggest one Lucy had told her daughter. Her daughter had gone to Kelsey's house so Lucy decided to leave while she was gone.

"So where are you really going?"

Lucy looked up as she heard the worry in her mother's voice from the doorway. She hadn't expected to have this conversation before she left.

"I'm driving to Huntington for a few days. There are some things I need to take care of." She replied not making eye contact with her by focusing on throwing some last minute items into the top of the bag and trying to zip it.

Her mother noticed her struggling and walked over to help.

"You're going to Huntington? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"It's no big deal. I was going to call you and tell you on my way out." Lucy said as she finally managed to zip the bag with her mother's help.

"Not a big deal? You're going back to the place where Charlie's dad is and you weren't going to tell me and it's not a big deal?

Lucy's silence made Amy more agitated. "You thought I'd try to stop you, right? I wouldn't do that. I know you're an adult but I still need you to..."

"Mom, stop! Really. It's not that big of a deal."

"How long will you be gone?"

"I don't know. I guess as long as it takes." Lucy said, feeling herself get edgy.

"Now don't you get defensive with me, young lady. I won't tell you that you can't go." Amy said. "I just want to make sure you have a plan."

"I know." Lucy felt herself relax a bit hoping the inquisition was over.

"Are you going to tell him?"

Lucy sighed deeply "He already knows."

Her mom lifted her eyebrow "How?"

"It's a long story but let's just say the cat is out of the bag now. So to speak."

"Have you told Charlie yet?"

Ugh, just the question she didn't want to answer. Think, Lucy. Quick..ok faster than that. What can I tell her?

"I haven't really decided. I guess it really depends on what he wants." Nice, not a yes, not a no. Good job, Lucy.

""You're leaving it up to him again? Why are you always doing what's best for him?" Amy said.

"I'm not doing what's best for him. I'm doing whats best for her. What is he rejects the idea of having a daughter? Should that be something that I need to broadcast to her?"

"No but it's high time Mr. Rockstar shares the responsibility that you've been carrying for the last 15 years."

"If he doesn't want her, then I don't want him to share the responsibility. We've done fine without him all this time."

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