Hard To See Trouble Coming

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One more filler...

By Victor Krummenacher

It's hard to see trouble coming ....

Zoey and Lucy sat on her patio watching the moon rise over the sky punctuating the end to a particularly eventful evening. Both women were stretched out across the chairs with their feet propped up comfortably, each a beer in hand.

"They didn't seem as disappointed as I thought they'd be,"Lucy said "In me, for not telling Matt sooner."  

"They'd be stupid if they were disappointed," Zoey replied pulling a sip of her beer . "And they are definitely not stupid. They've got a beautiful granddaughter so what's there to be angry about. You two were kids. They understand."

Lucy shrugged "I hope so."

"Charlie seemed excited to get to know them," Zoey said looking up at the stars.

"I guess I never realized how important having family is for her, I mean, I'm an only child." Lucy said before polishing off her beer.

"I don't know what I'd do without my brothers and sister," Zoey admitted.

"How is Zina anyway? And Matty? I haven't seen them in ages."

"Zina is still bossy as ever. And those rugrats of hers. They are a handful. Matty has his own band and merchandise company."

"Like VU?" Lucy asked as she walked over to the outdoor fridge near the grill and pulled out two more beers. Beers she had stocked since the last time Matt had come over. Stop it, don't think about him.

"Exactly like VU," Zoey admitted as she took the extra bottle from her friend.

Lucy reached for the bottle she was holding and Zoey shook her head "I'm not done with it."

"Have you talked to Brian?" Lucy asked knowing that her friend was stressing over him being pissed because she missed his birthday.

"I did," Zoey said sinking into her chair "He's still pissy."

"Does he always get like that? When he doesn't get what he wants?" Lucy was curious.

"Not really. I mean, we have stupid fights but he usually shakes it off pretty easy. I'm not actually sure what his deal is right now."

"He's mad about you coming back to LA for the press junket. But it's your job, right?"

Zoey nodded "Yeah but I didn't completely tell the whole truth."

Lucy gave her friend the a "what now?" look. "Secrets suck ass, Zoe, haven't we figured that out yet. You of all people should know this."

"I know," Zoey protested. "But on this one, I wanted to be sure."

"Be sure of what?" Lucy asked before sipping.

"I'm pregnant," Zoey announced and Lucy spit out her beer.

"You're pregnant?" Lucy's blue eyes widened excitedly "Oh my God, Zoey! Congratulations! Oh shit, why the fuck are you drinking beer then. Give me that."

Zoey laughed as she handed over the completely full bottle of warm beer.

"You haven't drank any of it!" Lucy cried. "You could have just told me...or you know said you didn't want one. You didn't have to lie about it."

Zoey laughed "Well I wasn't sure if I was going to say anything. I mean I wanted to tell you when I talked to you on the phone but I wasn't sure. I went to the doctor when I flew back to LA. I was going to tell Brian on Friday when they came home for River's birthday this weekend. But all this fucked up shit with Matt has them flying in Saturday and leaving Sunday morning. So I guess I have a small window."

"Brian is going to be so stoked," Lucy said pouring the warm beer down the outdoor sink and then moving back to the fridge for a water bottle.

Zoey didn't look so sure. "I hope so. I was actually thinking of flying out on Friday night to tell him. You know, kind of surprise him.

"I'm sure he'd love that," Lucy sat down again handing Zoey the water.


Lucy scoffed "Of course! You should totally do it."

"Maybe you're right," Zoey nodded "Maybe you should come with me."

"Me?" Lucy asked incredulously "Pshh, no thanks I'll pass."

Zoey sat up quickly "Seriously, it'll give you and Matt the chance to talk before...you know the party with his parents and Val."

"What makes you think I want to talk to Matt?" Lucy asked "This is all about Charlie and Matt and he's doing his best to fix it with her."

Zoey rolled her eyes. "C'mon. Come with me. It'll be fun."

"Zoey, I have a daughter. I can't just pick up and leave," Lucy shook her head for emphasis.

"Like Amy won't take care of her. I mean your mom not Matt's sister."

"I knew who you were talking about," Lucy replied and she knew Zoey was right. "Also I'm a poor school teacher. It's expensive to fly everywhere."

"Lame excuse." Zoey retorted "I have enough flyer miles to get us to and from just about anywhere in the world. Try again."

Lucy tried to think of something but came up blank. And it would be a lie if she said she didn't want to see Matt again...alone. 

"See?" Zoey said sipping her bottled water. "You've got nothing."

"I hate you, Zoey."

"You love me," Zoey replied batting her eyelashes.

Lucy laughed. "So where are we flying to then?"

Zoey counted "Let's see...San Antonio tonight...Austin tomorrow...Friday...hmmm...that would be Houston."

Lucy nodded "I've never been to Houston."

"It's so hot there. We will probably  melt."

"Just what I needed to convince me," Lucy laughed.

"Are you in then?"

"Let's go to Houston."

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