Almost Easy

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By Avenged Sevenfold

I feel insane every single time
I'm asked to compromise
Cause I'm afraid and stuck in my ways
And that's the way it stays
So how long did I expect love to outweigh ignorance?
By that look on your face I may have forced the scale to tip...

Lucy and Matt sat at the edge of the bar, holding hands. "Do you think she killed him?"Lucy asked as Matt ran his finger across her palm lovingly.
"Do you think she's capable of it?" He asked.
Lucy arched her eyebrow in doubt and he chuckled "No, it doesn't matter how much she wants to kill him. She never will. She loves him."

Lucy considered it "Yeah she does...but still...according to Zoey, he's been a real pain in the ass lately."

Matt reached for his beer with his free hand and pulled a sip. "It's been a rough week for everyone."

"It really is tough being a rockstar," she mused. "but I wanted to say...thank you...."

"For what?" he asked surprised.

"For what you did for Charlie. The didn't have to do that..."

"Of course I did," he said firmly "I screwed up big time. you were right to kick my ass. I had to try to fix it. I love that kid."

"Really?" she asked, her eyes stinging with the tears that wanted to form.

"Of course," he grinned widely showing those beautiful dimples.

"And your mom and sister? Did you plan that too?"

"I didn't plan for them to come see you all but I knew once I told my mom about Charlie that she wouldn't be able to stay away."

"Charlie loved it," Lucy said "I never realized how important family was to her until I was her with yours. I mean I was an only child, my mom was an only child..."

"And you never wondered about family?"

"You can't miss what you never had," she shrugged and then she began to laugh. It started as a like chuckle but then turn more into a hysterical laugh.

"What's so funny?" he asked confused.

"That we're having this conversation in the middle of a strip club," she said through giggles. Giggles that dried up as a harried Zoey approached and grabbed her hand.

"I need to get out of here," Zoey said, mascara running slowly down her face.

Matt stood quickly "Zoe, what happened? Where is Brian?"

Zoey turned to face him as Lucy stood, letting go of his hand "He's in the back."

"Is he okay?" Matt asked cautiously.

"I don't care." Zoey turned to Lucy "Can we go?"

"Sure," Lucy said "Do you want to change first?"

"No, let's just go."

"Okay," Lucy began to follow after her.

"Lucy wait," Matt didn't know whether to go check on Brian or follow Lucy.

"I can't Matt," Lucy said quickening her pace to match Zoey who was already out of the door as most of the people in the club watched "I've got to go. We can talk later, okay?"

"Wait, just a second...I have to tell you something."

"Tell me what?" she slowed for second.

"Lucy I love you...."

Zoey popped her head back in through the door "Lucy hurry, let's go. I don't want him to catch up with us. Please."

Lucy looked between Matt and her friend and felt her heart thumping. She wanted to run into his arms and tell him she loved him too but it was the wrong place and the wrong time. "I have to go, Matt. Later....I promise.

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