Tell The Truth

465 29 2

By Empire

One day the skeletons are gonna come out

One day the elephant in the room will make a sound

Watch out for lions and tigers and bears

It's bout to hit the fan, better beware

Lucy's eyebrows crashed together and Charlie knew for the most part she was probably in for it.

"Madison Charles Bass," her mother said lowly, her voice taking on that commanding sound it did when she was angry. "You will apologize Sanders...for your rudeness."

Alec's eyes widened and even Matt was surprised at the authority radiating off of the woman in front of him.

Charlie returned the stare "I don't see why I have to apologize. I didn't do anything ....You two are the ones doing something wrong here. Are you having an affair with him?"

Lucy closed her eyes before walking toward Charlie and grabbing her by the arm "Can I have a word with you in private please?"

Charlie tried to shake free but her mother had a death grip.

Lucy briefly turned to Matt and said "Excuse us for a minute."

"Sure, take all the time you need," Matt replied dumbly not knowing what he should actually be doing in this situation.

"Wait for me here," Charlie barked to her friend. "This shouldn't take long."

Both women walked out of their line of sight.

Matt gave the boy a nod. The kid took at as a signal to make himself at home. He pulled out a chair at the kitchen table and plopped himself down.

"So you dating Charlie's mom?"

Matt looked at the kid and assessed his button down Magellan fishing shirt,matching khaki shorts and Sperry topsiders. Just the kind of kid that Matt would have given an ass whipping when he was in high school . "No, we're friends."

The kid nodded with a smirk, as if he thought Matt was lying "I hear ya. I'm friends with Charlie too."

Matt could feel his nostrils flares. "Oh really?" he asked casually.

The kid shrugged "Yeah, she's cute. You know? Not my normal type but still..."

Matt took a deep breath. Maybe the kid didn't mean any harm.

"You look familiar?" the kid said reaching for an apple from the fruit bowl.

"I'm in a rock band," Matt said neutrally

"No shit?" the kid said taking a bite from the apple and chewing loudly.

"No shit."

"Are you guys any good?" the kid continued to chew with his mouth open.

"I like to think so." Matt replied.

The kid seemed to consider it. "What's your band's name? I wonder if I've heard of you."

Matt pursed his lips and gave an 'are you serious' look. "Avenged Sevenfold."

The kid looked disappointed "That's heavy metal right?"

"Something like that." Matt mumbled.

"Yeah. My kid brother likes your music. That's where I've seen you before." the kid took another bite.

Matt considered shoving the entire apple down the kid's throat but he just nodded in acknowledgement.

"So I'll bet you get a lot women throwing themselves at you, right?"

What She's Doing Now (Sequel to The Great Pretenders)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora