Stay Awhile

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Dedicating this chapter to my best friend Maria O. who annoyed me enough while I was writing to exchange her name for Lucy's. Please refresh if you still see Maria :)
By Journey

I'd do anything to hold you.
I'd go anywhere to touch you.
I'd do anything you want me to,
If you'll just stay with me awhile

Lucy jumped up grabbing the throw pillows and her t-shirt to cover herself as Matt reached for his boxers less concerned.

"Oh my God, Zacky," Lucy cried, her face burning up red. "I didn't...I'm sorry."
"Let me guess, he forgot to tell you we were sharing this suite," Zacky said trying to look away and spoke to the wall "And...really Matthew? You couldn't take it to bedroom your bedroom."
"No he didn't," Lucy said before she moved embarrassedly to the bathroom.
"I didn't expect you back so fast. I thought you all were eating at the restaurant," Matt had pulled on his boxers and used his tank top to clean the mess from his stomach.
"We decided to bring it back," Zacky said shaking his head. "What the fuck are you doing man?"
"I don't know," Matt admitted with a smile. "I couldn't help it. I...she...."
"Dude, this is going to fuck everything up for you," Zacky pressed.
"Fuck what up? Val? She doesn't even want to be with me," Matt countered.
Zacky shook his head angrily "Not Val...the girl...Charlie...."
Matt was confused "Why would this fuck things up with Charlie?"
"What's she gonna think when she finds out her mother slept with her father???" Zacky asked exasperated.
"I think she already knows that happened," Matt looked humored.
"She knows it happened once."
"And what?" Matt challenged "You gonna tell her about this?"
"Fuck no," Zacky looked horrified.
"Then what's the problem?"
"I know you," Zacky's green eyes narrowed

"What does that mean?" Matt said

"You've had a thing for this girl in the past. This isn't just sex. You're gonna be moony for her this time just like last."

"That's not true," Matt insisted.

"This isn't a one time thing." Zacky frowned. "You both are setting yourselves up for being Parent trapped."

Matt's eyebrows furrowed in confusion "Parent trapped?"

Zacky look at his astonished "Disney movie..."still no recognition from Matt "Lindsey Lohan...played twins...they met at camp after their parents divorced and never told them they had a twin and then switched and plotted romantic events to try to get their parents together."

"That sound horrible," Matt was more confused "Why would any parent do that?"

"They were divorced so they took one kid each," Zacky explained and then became frustrated "That's beside the point."

Matt smiled "Look Zee, I was lonely. She was lonely. That's all it was. No big deal."

"No big deal huh? So you can quit?" Zacky questioned "You don't care if doesn't happen again?"
Matt's face said it all.
Zacky shook his head "I'm going to bed. Night stupid ass."
"Fuck you, dickhead," Matt mumbled.
"Night, Luce," Zacky called loudly before closing the door to the bedroom.
After she heard the door close, Lucy popped her head out of the bathroom door "He gone?" She asked her cheeks still bright red.
Matt smiled and reached his hand to her "Yeah he went to bed."
She came out of the bathroom and her eyebrows furrowed together "Why didn't you tell me you were sharing a room?"
"My mind was otherwise occupied," he admitted as he embraced her.
She wasn't amused "I've got to get out of here."
He looked surprised as she pushed away from him "Why? Cause Zacky has seen you naked? We've all seen each other's girls naked. Except Zoey...that's why Zacky refuses to room with Brian. Occupational hazard of living on a tour bus or in a hotel."
That was not something Lucy wanted to hear. She moved grab her shoes but as she bent to reach for them, he wrapped his arms around her waist. She straightened immediately.
"Okay, not something you wanted to hear," he said against her temple.
"Definitely not," she sulked.
"It won't happen again, I promise. Just don't go yet," he said soothingly.
Lucy was torn between being embarrassed and wanting to run back to her room and hide and wanting to stay with Matt.
"If I stay," she asked looking at him sideways "what do I get out of it?"

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