With Me

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Really just a filler before the action starts up. I have so many ideas on the direction for this one. Also can I just say Avenged Sevenfold live in Wisconsin was amazing and I got great pics of them!

By Sum 41

I don't want this moment to ever end,
Where everything's nothing without you.
I'd wait here forever just to, to see you smile,
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you

Lucy watched from the picnic table as Charlie tried to teach Matt how to juggle the soccer ball during their down time before their Amarillo show. He had attempted to teach his daughter how to play golf but the effort was in vain. Charlie had inherited his good looks but not his golf game. In an effort to make up for the golf fiasco, he suggested they kick the ball together at the park close to the golf course. 

 Matt watched in awe as Charlie flicked the ball easily from knee to knee and then passed it to him to try. He threw the ball and it bounced sideways off of his knee rolling toward the table.  Lucy picked it up and moved toward them.

"Mom," Charlie laughed as she neared "he can't juggle."
Lucy gave her daughter a smirk "Don't laugh Charlie. Not everyone can."
"It's the easiest thing in the world," the young girl took the ball from her mom and popped it from knee to knee."

Matt smirked "I'll bet your mom can't do anymore." 

Charlie continued to watch the ball before her "I don't think I've ever seen my mom juggle but my grandma says she used to be able to."

"Of course I did," Lucy insisted "I was pretty badass."

"Prove it," he challenged and Charlie let the ball fall to her feet as she passed it to her mother.

"I don't think I need to prove it, to you or anyone else," Lucy replied saucily as she passed the ball back to Charlie.

"I knew it," he replied crossing his arms across his chest.

Charlie looked from parent to parent with a grin "Just do it mom."

Lucy's blue eyes narrowed and focused on Matt's face as she picked up the ball and began bouncing it from knee to knee.

"Charlie says that's easy juggling," Matt said.

"You didn't say you wanted complex juggling," Lucy replied using her feet as well.

"Okay, now I'm impressed."Matt laughed as Lucy proved him wrong "How long can you keep that going?"

"A while," Lucy replied as she popped it up to her shoulder and from there her head.

Charlie clapped excitedly.

"Now you're just showing off," Matt gave her a crooked grin.

"A little," she admitted as she stopped the ball with her foot and passed it to him.

He toe kicked it in return and it bounced to Charlie. "Wow Matt," the young girl said "hit it with the laces, not the toe."

"I'm still learning," he offered as she passed it back. "So both of you can juggle, what other hidden talents do you two have that I don't know about?"

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