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By Fall Out Boy

And I love the way you hurt's irresistible  

Zoey was miserable the entire stay in Houston, with good reason. Her husband had basically told her that he didn't think he wanted children when she was about to announce that she was pregnant. It was enough to make her want to cry. And cry she did...for hours. Lucy stayed by her side, handing her tissues and helping her curse Brian's name when it was expected of her.

She also had answered a number of his phone calls, explaining as gently as she could that Zoey didn't want to talk to him. And no, Zoey would not be riding with them back on the private plane to Huntington Beach. He was calm and understanding the first twenty calls but as the number climbed, so did his impatience.

"Tell her to get on the fucking phone, Lucy," he demanded.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth, Bri," she frowned against the phone "Seriously why would I put her on the phone knowing that you're that pissed?"

"Because she's my fucking wife!"

"Your fucking wife who doesn't want to talk to you right now," she reiterated. "Can't you just chill the fuck out and let her have some space?"

"No," he huffed angrily and then took a few seconds "C'mon Luce, please. I need...I just want to...I have to...apologize."

"Okay, Bri...let me see," Lucy felt herself feeling sorry for him but Zoey shook her head adamantly back and forth. She put the phone down "Zoey he's begging. He sounds...desperate."

Tears ran down her face slowly but she didn't relent "No."

Lucy put the phone back to her ear "Bri...I'm sorry but she just...can't right now. Okay?"

"FUCK!" he yelled and then the sound of stuff being thrown around followed by the silence that showed the call as being dropped.

"He was pretty pissed off," Lucy said as she pulled her phone back and looked at it. "I think he threw his phone."

"Good," Zoey said miserably.

Lucy rolled her eyes at her friend "Really Zoe? C'mon...he's miserable. You're miserable. Why can't you two just get it together and apologize?"

"What the fuck do I have to apologize for?" Zoey huffed.

"Um, maybe having your brother punch your husband in the face." Lucy said matter of factly tossing a random hand gesture.

"Are you saying he didn't deserve it?" Zoey insisted.

"C'mon, he fucked up. He said some stupid shit. Made a mistake. Give him a chance," Lucy said gently.

"Just like you did Matt after you found out you were pregnant with Charlie?" Zoey went straight for the deepest cut.

Lucy chuckled at the miserable attempt "Exactly...just like that. Fuck you by the way, for reminding me of my screw up. But at least here you have a chance to not make that mistake. Besides the situation is totally different. You two are married and frankly you're both acting like two brats."

"I'm not apologizing to him." Zoey dug her heels in.

Lucy threw her hands up in exasperation "Then at least let him apologize to you."


"Whatever, Zoey. From now on, answer your own damn phone calls," Lucy replied as she began to pack her bag for the trip back home.

"It's not like he'll call back anyway. He broke his phone." Zoey said getting up from the bed to head to the bathroom.

"Sure he won't," Lucy sighed as she stuffed the thin gauzy skirt that she brought home from the club the day before. She smiled at the sight of it, thinking she couldn't wait to see Matt. She was desperate to finish their conversation...she wanted to tell him how she felt about him. Hopefully they'd have a chance to talk after she picked up Charlie from River's birthday party. The sound of her phone ringing broke her happy thoughts.

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