Love Isn't

464 28 5

By Same, Same


Kate strummed "Ramble On" Brian's acoustic as the bus began to roll down the road. She was surprised when Arin picked up some chopsticks that had been left over from takeout and began pounding out the beat and Johnny began singing. Charlie was also surprised to hear him sing as the band never even gave him his own microphone on stage. His voice wasn't the best but it was sufficient to belt out the impromptu Led Zeppelin song. It was a great way to break the monotony that seemed to grow while the bus moved down the road to the next town. They were finishing out their Arizona dates and would be headed to Texas in the next couple of days.

"What's that kid's obsession with Led Zeppelin?" Brian asked out loud and Charlie just chuckled as the others basically bobbed along to the beat.

Touring wasn't what Charlie expected. After all the Tumblr images and stories, she was sure it would be a party but the guys were pretty subdued. Not that they didn't like their beer, but they just didn't seem to get as shitfaced drunk as they did in their past or in the pictures that were posted of them. Kate was sure they were trying to set a good example and didn't doubt if she and Charlie weren't present that they would be partying every night. Instead, they watched Netflix and played games to entertain the girls while the bus moved down the highway.

Matt sat next to her as she watched her friend play. "She's pretty good," he remarked.

"She is," Charlie agreed.

"I'm surprised Brian let her play with his acoustic. He's usually pretty particular with who he lets play his guitars," Matt added "As a matter of fact, I don't even think Zoey has ever played his guitar."

"Zoey's left handed," Zacky added as he bobbed his head to the music.

"And I might add,you've never asked to play my guitar, Matthew," Brian chimed in as he joined in the conversation.

"Will you let me play your guitar, Bri?"

"Fuck no," Brian smiled widely and Charlie laughed.

"Who the hell told short shit he could sing?" Zacky laughed as the song neared the end.

"I don't think he sounds bad," Charlie added.

"That's cause you're still starstruck," Brian joked.

"Like you sing any better," Charlie retorted and everyone laughed.

"Hey now, my vocals are stellar," Brian countered.

"Have you heard yourself?" Kate threw in as she hit the last notes.

"Of course I have," he frowned and seemed hurt.

"We're kidding," Kate added quickly. She didn't want to hurt Brian's feelings. Or he'd take his guitar back.

"Why didn't Lucy ride with us?" Arin asked continuing to tap the chopsticks against his legs.

Matt tried to keep a straight face for Charlie's sake. His mind was still on that kiss he'd left Lucy with. He'd followed her into the bus like a puppy. He needed to talk to her though. Needed to see if she felt something for him after the night they'd spent together.He wanted it to be more than her feel sorry for him and having pity sex. Regardless of what Brian thought, there were some types of sex that just weren't worth having. She was being stubborn though, even after he'd kissed her.

"Not sure," Charlie shrugged, her eyes glued to Matt's face. "She was moody."

"About what?" Zacky asked innocently and Matt wanted to chuck a pillow at him.

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