The Walk

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By Imogen Heap

Inside out, upside-down twisting beside myself,

Stop that now, cos you and I were never meant to be

I think you better leave; it's not safe in here,

I feel a weakness coming on.

Charlie was in awe of the activities that were in motion to get her dad set up for their show in Phoenix Arizona. That sounded so weird. Her dad, there was a phrase she'd never thought she'd ever say. For years the idea of having a dad was just a silly notion, someone who had deserted her and her mom to find a better life. But in reality Matthew Sanders was her father. None other than M Shadows himself. And he didn't leave her. Her mom had left him without even letting him know about Charlie. In essence her mom had screwed them both. There was a story there, that she was determined to find out but so far her mom had been pretty closed mouthed. Maybe she could get it out of her dad. Yikes, she had a dad and her dad was awesome. She didn't think she could ever get used to the idea of having such a cool dad. When kids asked her what her dad did for a living, she could honestly say "My dad is in a rock band." And not just any rock band but Avenged Sevenfold. It was way more exciting than explaining that her mom was a history teacher.

Kate was calm and cool as she took in the activities around her. Or at least Charlie thought she was cool and collected. That was part of the reason that Charlie had invited her instead of Kelsey. Kelsey would be jumping up and down screaming as she came to hang with her favorite band. Kate, though impressed, was happy just to be away from her house.

"I can't believe we're actually going to be able to tour with Avenged Sevenfold for two weeks," Kate said brushing her blue bangs out of her eyes.

Charlie laughed as she watched her mom chat with Matt Berry. "It's like a dream come true," she agreed.

"Touring or having M Shadows as a paternal unit?"

Charlie considered, the idea of both were kick ass "Both, I guess."

"Hey Charlie," her mom called her over "Come here."

The girls gave each other a look before moving toward where Lucy was standing with a burly looking man.

"Girls, this is Matt Berry."

The familiar roadie smiled at both girls widely and extended his hand. Charlie noticed it was calloused and warm as he closed his large palm around hers. "It's a pleasure to have you gals with us. I've heard good things about you."

Kate and Charlie looked at each other. What the hell could he have heard?

"Hope you ladies don't mind but I've put you on the bus with the makeup and wardrobe crew."

"So we don't get to ride with the band?" Charlie asked disappointed.

Matt shook his head "Of course you can ride with them all you want. I just thought it would be more comfortable if you got to sleep in your own space instead of having to crash on a couch or chair in the main bus but if you're cool with that..."

"The second bus is fine, "Lucy said firmly giving Charlie a look.

"Well if you need anything at all while you're with us, please let me know and I'll be happy to get it for you."

"Anything like what?" Kate asked.

"Anything." He insisted.

"A hamburger at 3am?" Charlie asked.

"No problem." He offered.

"Comic book run?" Kate asked.

"I'm on it," he nodded.

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