Saved The Best For Last

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YAY! We've reached the more chapter after this!

By Vanessa Williams

 And now we're standing face to face
Isn't this world a crazy place
Just when I thought our chance had passed
You go and save the best for last  

Lucy opened her eyes, disoriented at first not quite realizing that she was in her own bed in her own house with Matthew Sanders. The events of the evening seemed almost if they had taken place in a dream.

She turned to take in the sight of him..half covered with a sheet, the beauty of the colorful tattoos that ran across his chest, one arm underneath her neck while the other rested across his chest and eyes closed. If she didn't hear his calm even breaths, she would have thought he was simply resting with his eyes closed instead of deep sleep.

For a minute she just lay there..thinking of the events of the last couple of months..the secrets and the truth coming out, the road trip, the whole crazy scene. It was funny how it all didn't make any sense at this moment. Feeling the warmth of Matt's skin against hers...was there really any better place to be?

Drowsy with happiness, she let herself fall back to sleep.


Matt awoke startled, heart beating quickly. Had last night been a dream? Had he imagined it all? He didn't put it past himself since he'd been going crazy since he'd laid eyes on Lucy after so long. His teenage love finally on the same page as him.

He turned to his side to see a peaceful Lucy. She was sleeping quietly, her serene face hidden under the curtain of wavy brown hair. Hair that he'd always loved to bury his face in and forget the world. He took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling. He needed to get out of bed. If they had a chance to have any kind of meaningful conversation, he needed to be clear headed and not distracted.

Reluctantly, he sat up as quietly as possible, trying to not stir her. He needed a hot shower and she would want coffee..he knew they needed to have a big conversation and he wanted to be ready.

Pulling his boxers and pants on, he didn't bother to zip them up as he trudged down the stairs to the kitchen. 


Lucy awakened again to the sounds of Matt stirring around the bedroom. He was wrapped in a towel and his short hair was wet. She smiled at the sight of him using her favorite pastel link towel.

When he noticed her staring, he smiled and gave her a soft "Hey you" as he sat down beside her.

"Hey back" she replied smiling at him.

He cleared his throat and brushed his hand across her face. "We have to talk."

"I know." She said turning to her side to face him.

"Not here." He said giving her a half smile.

"What's wrong with here?" she asked snuggling closer to him.

"Nothing," he replied "It's just..we need to be thinking clearly, you make sure that we're on the same page."

Lucy frowned and pulled away which caused a brief look of panic on Matt's face.

"It's just really easy to be bed..with you..naked," he explained.

Lucy relaxed a bit and nodded.

After both of them were adequately dressed, they settled on the couch in the living room.

Matt settled at the edge of the seat, leaning his hands on his knees. His tense posture made Lucy a little unsettled.

"I don't really know where to start," Matt admitted sheepishly

"What do you mean you don't know where to start? You're the one that..."she interrupted

"I mean, I know we have to talk but I don't know.."

Lucy became annoyed "You don't have to say anything..I never asked..."

"Ok stop it" he commanded, his unsure demeanor changing quickly " You see..that right there is always the problem between you and me."

"What you are talking about?" she replied exasperated

" never let me finish or explain what I'm trying to immediately start jumping to conclusions...and then that pisses me off."

"Well..."she began

He lifted his hand and placed a finger on her lips to silence her. "No, let me talk..let me finish for once."

She nodded slowly and he pulled his hand away.

"You and me...we've been through a lot of shit ...and we've done things your way. We lost 15 years because of it. And now..well this time, we're doing it my way. I'm tired of the games and drama and the misunderstandings and bad communication."


"Seriously," he said firmly "Let me finish. I'll never know why you pushed me away when you found out you were pregnant. I guess maybe you thought I'd run away or something stupid like that..."

"Stupid?" Lucy shot back "I'm glad to see that you think my feelings are stupid."

"Didn't I ask you to let me finish?" Matt said defensively "And I didn't say your feelings were stupid."

"Yes you did." Lucy insisted "You just said that me being afraid of you running away was stupid. I mean seriously.."

Frustrated, Matt asked "Good God, are you ever going to close your mouth and open your ears?"

She didn't speak so he used it as a queue to keep going. "Look, you have to stop thinking that you know what I'm thinking or  what's best for me. You don't. You never asked my opinion the first time. You never gave me a chance....I was  fucking heartbroken when you left me the first time and I had plenty to be pissed about when you hid Charlie from me.  I should be mad as hell..but I'm not. I never was...because I was just happy to see you be with you. I know things are going to be fucked up...I still have to work things out with Val...not to be with her but for us to be civil...for River. And I have a job where I'm out on the road and let's be honest, girls are everywhere and they aren't so subtle with their intentions. But I never cheated on Val and I never felt about her even half the way I feel about you. I would never ever cheat on you. You have to know that and you have to trust me. You can't run away because you're scared. You have to promise me that no matter what happens, you won't run away. "


"Okay?" he repeated.

Tears welled up in Lucy's eyes "You're right."

"I'm right?" he asked surprised by her easy agreement.

"Yes. You're right. About everything," she said calmly "And I'm sorry."

"Well...then," he replied "I'm sorry too."

Lucy looked at him "Really? What are you sorry for? I'm the one that's been acting like a jerk."

"Yes, you have," he said in agreement pulling her into his arms. "But I'm sorry that I didn't come after you when you left the first time. Would have saved us a hell of a lot of heartache in the end."

"But you may not have gotten to be in the greatest rock band in the world," she mused.

"We're fucking awesome...nothing could have ever stopped that from happening," he smirked.

Lucy playfully slapped at him before he pulled her closer, wondering how she ever thought she could be without him.

Laying his cheek against the top of her head, he whispered "I'm sorry it's taken this long for you to finally realize how much I love you."

What She's Doing Now (Sequel to The Great Pretenders)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang