Getting To Know You

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Filler, filler, filler...Brian and Matt are headed for a bad idea and one I'm going to start on tomorrow ;)

By Gertrude Lawrence

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.
Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me.
Getting to know you, putting it my way,
But nicely,
You are precisely,
My cup of tea.

Zoey Baker Haner pulled her gold Mercedes into Lucy's driveway. She noticed five kids, two boys, two girls and Charlie, playing in the front yard some type of game with a soccer ball. It reminded her of the times she'd play with her brothers and sister and she couldn't help but smile. She opened the door and the kids turned, expressions of curiosity clear in their features. Stepping out, she gave them a friendly wave and grin.

"Hey Charlie," she said loudly, squinting at the bright sunlight of the summer sun finally setting "Do you remember me?" It had been years since she'd seen the little girl but maybe there would be some spark of recognition.

Charlie looked at her curiously. Yes she knew who she was but not because she remembered her from the past; she was Zacky's sister and Brian's wife. "You're Zoey Baker, right?"

Zoey nodded "Haner. But yeah, that's me. I'm also really good friends with your mom. I remember you when you were this small," she said holding her hand about 2 foot off of the ground.

Charlie was frozen. She didn't know what reaction the woman wanted from her. She had managed to put everything Matt Sanders and Avenged Sevenfold out of her mind and so far had been successful but this definitely changed that. "Cool," she said roughly and the other kids moved to flank her. Remembering they were there, she began to introduce them. "This is Kate." She younger girl waved examining Zoey closely. "And that's Kelsey," she pointed at the taller blond who looked ready to gush. "And that's Chris and Malcolm." Malcolm tossed an offhand wave but Chris just nodded, his expression concerned and his eyes never leaving Charlie's face.

"It's really nice to meet you all," Zoey said sincerely. "I've heard so much about you." Charlie knew that was directed at her and she was almost afraid acknowledge it.

"My mom is inside," she said quickly.

"Great, but I actually came to talk to you," Zoey replied.

"Me?" Charlie asked nervously "Why?"

"Why don't we go inside?"


Lucy heard the door open so she yelled "Are your friends going to stay for..."she trailed off as a sweaty Charlie stood in the foyer with tiny Zoey Haner. "Zoey!" Lucy cried as Zoey moved quickly to take her friend into her embrace.

"Oh my God Lucy, it's been years. You look exactly the same," Zoey said as she hugged tighter.

"And you look younger, if that's even possible," Lucy replied pulling back.

Charlie cleared her throat. "Oh my God, Charlie, this is your Aunt Zoey."

"I kinda figured that," Charlie nodded....Aunt Zoey, Uncle Zacky....definitely no marriage coming on that end. Damn.

Zoey chuckled as she embraced Charlie who was a few inches taller. When she pulled back, she took Charlie's face in her palms "Oh my God, you look just like your father."

At the mention of Matt, Charlie frowned and she felt tears sting the corners of her eyes. "Hey now, " Zoey said still not releasing her face "Your father is an idiot sometimes but the best thing about him is that he always comes to his senses quickly. Unlike Brian."

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