Count On Me

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Anytime you need someone

Somebody strong to lean on

Well you can count on me

To hold you till the healing is done

And every time you fall apart

Well you can hide here in my arms

And you can count on me

To hold you till that feeling is gone

Chris was in the middle of a particularly troubling level in Halo 4 when he heard the doorbell ring and ran down the stairs.

"Got it," he yelled to no one in particular and chuckled to himself for doing so.

Opening the door, he found Charlie standing there looking miserable,pissed as hell and damned adorable. Not that he'd ever let her know he thought that. She stomped across the threshold without any word.

"Come on in," he said waving his hand after her. She tossed her bag in the small alcove near the front door and tossed herself on the small couch.

"By all means, Chuck, make yourself at home."

"Who was at the door?" His mother came to peek"Oh Charlie it's you."

"Hi Mrs. Gravette," Charlie said smiling as if she didn't just look like she was ready to murder someone "How are you?"

The older woman returned the smile "I'm good. Did your mom make it back to town?"

The smile faltered a bit "Yes mam she did."

"Oh good...I'm glad," she said kindly "Would you like to stay for dinner? We are having fried chicken."

Charlie hesitated "Maybe. I'll have to ask my mom," she lied.

"Well let me know. We'd love to have you," the older woman said returning to the back room.

Chris laughed again "So what's wrong with you? What has your panties in a wad?"

Charlie punched him "My panties are not in a wad. You're an asshole."

He shook his head "If I'm such as asshole then why are you here for me to console you for whatever your pissed about?"

Charlie wanted to banter with him but her misery kept her from continuing the joking. "Can we go outside?"she asked seriously.

"Sure," he said soothingly, motioning for her to follow him to the porch swing in the backyard.

As they both sat down on opposite ends, Chris looked at his friend worriedly "What's wrong, Chuck?"

"Everything," she said near tears.

"You gotta be a little more specific than that," he gave her an encouraging smile.

" mom....I mean..when I came home see...."she began but the thoughts were coming so fast her mouth couldn't catch up.

"Woah Chuck, slow down." he patted her arm.

She took a deep breath. "M Shadows is my dad. Like literally my biological father. The man that I had wanted to marry, #1 on the husband list...ewwww..that MY FATHER. That's so GROSS..."she shuddered before continuing "And he's over at my house right now with my mom. My mom who it turns out lied to me and never told me that my favorite singer and future husband was actually my father. And she never told him either. Kate was totally right."

She felt somewhat better after fessing up but waited for his reaction.

He raised his eyebrow as he began to untangle the rambling she'd just done "Okay first off, let's never say those words again."

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