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By Oasis

And all the roads we have to walk are winding

And all the lights that lead us there are blinding

There are many things that I

Would like to say to you but I don't know how

Because maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me

And after all, you're my wonderwall

Lucy stepped off the stopped bus to head to check on Charlie and Kate. It had been a long couple of hours that she'd spent reading and getting to know the other people she was riding with. Shelby Smith was particularly sweet and friendly and it was nice to have someone to talk to. It felt good to be able to stretch her legs by walking out in the large parking lot the buses had pulled into. The trucks carrying the set and equipment passed them, opting to drive ahead instead of stopping with the band.

"Hey Ms. B," Kate's voice said from the small couch she was sitting on. The rest of the guys looked up.

"Hey Kate," Lucy said looking for Charlie but not finding her "Where's Charlie?"

"She and Matt went into the restaurant across the way for dinner." Zacky replied "You know...just them two."

"Oh," Lucy said nodding her head with an impressed expression on her face."That's...good for them."

"Come sit over here," Brian said "We're watching the end of season one."

"Season one of what?" Lucy asked.

"The Walking Dead," Kate said eyes wide underneath the blanket that they'd given her.

Lucy looked at Brian incredulous"You let them watch The Walking Dead?"

"Sure," he answered "It's a great show."

Lucy was about to object.

"And Netflix has five continuous seasons," Arin added "So we can watch it all at once."

"Luce, you did get to order something to eat right?" Zacky asked.

Lucy was thrown by the change of subjects "Um sure, Zee." she replied sitting next to Brian. "Is that girl dead?"

"They are all dead," Kate replied. "Zombies just attacked their camp."

"Walkers," Zacky corrected.

Lucy watched as the poor dead girl on the screen appeared re-animated. "She's trying to eat the other girl. Yuck."

"That's Amy," Brian said "The other chick is Andrea, her sister."

The second woman lifted her gun to the zombified girl and shot her in the head. It caused Lucy to jump and cringe into Brian's shoulder, hiding her face for a few seconds.

He chuckled "It's over, Luce." She lifted her face and looked into his amused brown eyes before looking back at the two handsome men that appeared on the screen.

"Sorry Bri, I'm not a big horror fan," she explained.

He patted her hand "Don't worry. I'll protect you."

"I appreciate that," she replied."But who is going to protect you?"


Charlie fidgeted nervously as the waitress led them to a small booth in the corner of the restaurant.

What She's Doing Now (Sequel to The Great Pretenders)Where stories live. Discover now