Winner At A Losing Game

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By Rascal Flatts

Have you ever had to love someone
That just don't feel the same?
Tryin' to make somebody care for you
The way I do
Is like trying to catch the rain.
And if love is really forever,
I'm a winner at a losin' game.

Zoey stopped cold as Michelle's words echoed over and over in her ears. She felt every nerve fiber in her body throbbing with anger....well that and a little nausea which seemed to be par for the course lately. Who did this bitch think she was? 

"Get the fuck out of here, right now." she blurted as she grabbed the chair in front of her for support. Lucy moved quickly thinking she was going to fall but Zoey put her hand up to signal she was okay. Her green eyes glittered dangerously as she growled "You fucking liar."

Lucy was sure her head was going to start spinning around any moment.

"Am I?" Michelle replied with a raised eyebrow "You'll never know unless you talk to me."

Zoey only debated with herself for only half a second before dropping herself into the large chair at the table, motioning Michelle to do the same.

Michelle tentatively moved to take a seat closer as if trying to determine if she had made the smart decision to show up on Zoey's door step.

A little late, you stupid bitch, Zoey thought to herself.

Lucy quickly made excuses to go check on the girls and how she'd wait in the studio. It was background noise to both Zoey and Michelle and neither acknowledged her upon her exit.

"What do you want?" Zoey demanded her voice trembling, despairing internally that of all the people Brian would cheat with, why did it have to be this woman sitting in front of her? "Why have you come here ? To brag? To gloat? To rub it in that you finally got me back for stealing him from you? If you were with him that night, what could you possibly want with me today?"

"I came here to talk some sense into you." Michelle said forthrightly and Zoey was irritated at her demeanor.

"Sense?" Zoey huffed "You mean to came here to tell me how you've finally won and I've lost. Well that's great. Guess what, Michelle, I don't care."

"You're right." Michelle retorted "I thought about coming here to brag. It would be nice to see Zoey Baker taken down a peg."

"It's Zoey Haner and trust me, you'll never have that satisfaction,"Zoey declared, glad the zest for battle had deterred the nausea.

Michelle's beautiful face showed only sadness and for a bit Zoey was confused and caught off guard. "You're right about that."

"What are you talking about?" Zoey asked, starting to feel a rush of confused hormones. "Start making sense before I have security toss you out of here."

"I'm talking about you...and Brian."

Zoey let out a strangled laugh "After what you just told me, there is no me and Brian. Isn't that what you came to tell me about? Your tryst that night."

"No, actually, it isn't. I just needed..."Michelle stuttered "I just needed to a way to make you listen. For you to stop and hear what I have to say. And that seemed to help."

"You mean you weren't with Brian that night?" Zoey said with a bit of relief taking over.

"No, I was." Michelle said blushing and Zoey was surprised at the embarrassment clear on her face.

"Ok, get out." Zoey said standing and inching closer, as if she was going to throw the other girl physically out of the door.

"Look." Michelle said raising both of her hands as if surrendering "Nothing happened."

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