Rest of You

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By Megan and Liz

I wanna know the rest, the rest of you

The worst and best of you

The deepest parts the beat of your heart

This is where it starts

I wanna know the rest, the rest of you

They walked into the front of the bus where the girls were drilling the guys with get to know you questions. Matt and Lucy stood close together leaning against the small kitchen counters watching and listening.

"So your with Panic! At the Disco?" Charlie asked as Brian nodded appreciatively.

"Yes she does."

"She spends every day with Brendon Urie and Dallon Weekes?" Kate asked.

"Yes, well almost every day. When our schedules match, she'll fly out to see me but for the most part every day."

"Oh my God, Brendon is so hot. I can't believe your wife gets to be with him all the time. That must be amazing."

Arin laughed at the face Brian made, one that told them he'd never thought of his wife spending time with another man as a big deal but the little girls thought it was. "What's so amazing about it?" he asked.

Both girls looked at him like he was crazy "It's Brendon Urie," Charlie emphasized.

"So what?" he replied "I'm Synyster Gates. And that's Johnny Christ...and Zacky Vengeance. And Arin...well Arin has a cool enough last name."

"Yeah but she sees you guys all the time," Kate added. "She's married to you. That's different. To her, you're just Brian Haner Jr."

Brian was offended. "I'm not just Brian Haner Jr. I'm the greatest guitar player alive."

"Is that why you don't restring your own guitars?" Charlie asked.

Brian smirked "Maybe. Why do something yourself if can get someone else to do it for you."

"That's sorta pretentious," Kate replied.

"Did I mention I was the greatest guitar player alive?" he asked again.

Kate shook her head "That was never originally the point of this line of questioning."

"Then what is?" Zacky asked humored with the conversation.

"That Brian's wife is touring with some hot dudes. "Charlie nodded appreciatively and Kate gave her a high five.

"So are you." Johnny countered.

"Yeah about 5 days ago, you were fangirling in our presence." Brian reminded Charlie.

"Yeah but now you're like related to me," she replied. "It's different now."

"She's got a point," Zacky agreed.

"So who does Pinkly stay with while you're on tour?" Kate asked changing the subject and Brian laughed.

"You're asking me about my dog?"

"Why not?" Kate responded.

"My dog stays with my wife when she's at home. But when we are both on the road, she stays with my sister."

"Isn't his wife your sister?" Charlie asked in Zacky's direction.

"Yes, my little sister," he acknowledged.

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