I Know The Truth

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By Elton John

This should've been my time

It's over, it never began

Facing a world, for once not on my side

I simply turned and ran

I try to blame it on fortune

Some kind of twist in my fate

But I know the truth and it haunts me

I learned it a little too late

Zoey crept along the corridor of the hotel hallway as she tried to make her way past the pool where the guys were hanging out. She was trying to delay running into Matt as much as she could so she was going to take a taxi to the shopping district. She hadn't spotted Matt yet but she had heard from Matt Berry that he'd already checked in. Brian was still angry at her so she figured maybe she needed get away for a bit to allow everyone to cool off.

Except she felt like a rat, slinking out slowly trying not to be spotted. She was too busy watching the pool area and she didn't notice Zacky walk up behind her.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked in a deep whisper.

Zoey jumped two feet in the air. "Fuck, Zacky, you scared the shit out of me."

His perfect eyebrow arch "You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"No I kiss yours," she replied sticking her tongue out at him and they both laughed.

"Who are you hiding from?" he asked.


"Why? Is it because of Lucy?" he asked "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything," she cried a little too loudly.

"Then why are you hiding?"

"I'm not hiding, I'm just not ready to have Matt interrogate me about knowing about Lucy having Charlie who actually is Matt's daughter. She lied to him before she took off and didn't tell him and I knew. I thought when he asked to find her, she'd tell him but turns out she didn't. And I told Brian who decided to tell Matt and now Matt is looking for me to grill me for the all details that he thinks I have. So I'm trying to get out of here to go shopping and giving Matt and Brian time to cool off " she blurted and then took a deep breath waiting for Zacky to explode.

Instead he shook his head and gave her a look of disappointment. "Zoey, you are something else."

"Thanks," she mumbled looking around hoping she could still sneak away.

"I didn't mean it as a compliment," he replied.

She punched him "Okay, I fucked up. Can I leave now?"

He shook his head adamantly "Nope. C'mon."

Zoey closed her eyes "No Zacky, I'm not...ready."

"You've had what 15 years to prepare," he said grabbing her hand.

She resisted and he tugged harder. "Really Zoey? Are you 31 or 13?"

"13?" she joked in a weak voice.

"Try again," he tugged and this time she let herself be led "He's in his room. You should just get it over with."

He pressed the elevator Up button and waited holding her hand. Any passerby might think they were boyfriend girlfriend and not brother and sister.

What She's Doing Now (Sequel to The Great Pretenders)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon