Good Times, Bad Times

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By Led Zeppelin

In the days of my youth, I was told what it means to be a man

Now I've reached that age, I've tried to do all those things the best I can

No matter how I try, I find my way into the same old jam

Good Times, Bad Times, you know I had my share;

When my woman left home for a brown eyed man

Well, I still don't seem to care

After about an hour or two of silly questions, the girls were settled on the small couches watching "The Walking Dead." Brian was floored that Kate had never seen it and declared a Netflix emergency. With them were occupied, the guys moved on to separate endeavours.

Brian grabbed his iPad to Facetime Zoey who he hadn't spoken too since the early morning hours. If his calculation was correct, she should be somewhere in Illinois by now. Dropping himself onto his bunk, he pressed the call button and waited. After a few seconds, his wife's face appeared her dark hair a mess but her hazel green eyes calm. "Hey love," her voice said.

"Hey there beautiful, what are you doing?" he said softly just in case any of the guys were listening. Everyone was still in the living room area but being in such close quarters, you never knew who was wandering around the bunk area.

She thought about it "We just got to Springfield for the night. We're actually getting ready to grab something to eat before we call it a night. What about you guys?"

"We're in Arizona somewhere," Brian replied "We're driving straight through."

Zoey gave a look of sympathy "That sucks."

"On a bright note, Matt brought..."

"Hey Zoey," a male voice called from behind her and she turned her attention immediately "Quit making kissy faces at Guitar God and let's go. We have reservations. Pete and Patrick are going to meet us."

She nodded to the off screen voice "K Bren, let me have two minutes."

A sigh from off camera. "Okay but hurry."

She turned back to the screen "I'm sorry Bri, but I have to go. Can we finish this later?"

"Sure," he nodded giving her a tight smile "Just call me when you're done."

She smiled widely. "Great, I'll call you later," and then the screen faded to black.

He tossed his iPad at the foot of his bed. His wife had just ditched him for Brendon Urie.


Matt sat watching as zombies attacked the residents of Georgia on the screen. Both girls were enrapt in the plot and often discussed who was the most attractive, Grimes, Dixon or the cute Asian boy Glen. It was a discussion that even Johnny joined in saying that the Asian boy was definitely the better choice because he was underestimated. Charlie laughed and looked in Matt's direction waiting for him to sound off.

"Don't look at me," he said raising his hands "I think Andrea is the hottest right now."

Matt wasn't altogether sure that Lucy would approve him letting them watch such a gory show but he'd practically been raised on gore flicks. They were a staple of his teen years and he didn't see any harm. Besides what Lucy didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out to find Val's name flash across the screen. He hadn't exchanged more than a goodbye with her before he left the house and to be honest, he was more than surprised with her calling.

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