Buried Alive

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What a freaking mess....everywhere....

By Avenged Sevenfold

Hey - I can't live in here for another day
Darkness has kept the light concealed
Grim as ever
Hold on to faith as I dig another grave
Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel
Real as ever
And it seems I've been buried alive

Matt yawned as the band's private plane landed at the airport in Long Beach. It was an exhausting morning made even more so by the previous day's drama, that not only included him confessing his feelings to Lucy (who hadn't said it back), but also finding out Zoey was pregnant, Brian reacting badly and having Zacky knock the shit out of him because felt too guilty over his behavior to defend himself. Zacky was a strong little bastard and he'd given Brian a hell of a shiner. One that they were sure would be all over the internet by now in pictures of last nights show. Very little was said on the flight home.  He actually hadn't expected the guys to join him on but apparently the drama caused everyone to want to go home even it if it was for 48hrs.

He hadn't slept a whole lot the night before, and he'd downed a boatload of coffee on the flight. His brain was fuzzy as he drove to the house, but he could recall with absolute clarity how the dim light in the VIP back room had cut across Lucy's face. The touch of her soft skin beneath his hands and his struggle for control. He'd wanted to go slow, draw out the pleasure, while at the same time, he'd fought a battle within himself to just throw her down and get on with it. In the end, he'd lost the fight. He'd pushed her against the wall, and gone for it. Gone for it all...he had even told her he loved her and she hadn't replied. He tried not to take it personal. Zoey was freaking out after all but it still stung.

Right now, he had another problem to face. One that was very real. He pulled into his normal parking spot, and by the time he knocked on her door, he'd pushed Lucy to the back of his head. A problem he would deal with later.

Val's blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and she was dressed as if she were about to go out for a jog in tight black spandex. She hugged him and kissed his jaw, and he felt nothing. No stirring interest in the pit of his stomach. No desire to turn his face and kiss her lips. No pinch in his chest or tug at his heart. Nothing. He found River sitting in his highchair in the kitchen eating dry Honey Nut Cheerios on his tray. He held up his arms for him and said through a bright smile, "Dada's here."

At the sight of his son his heart lifted in his chest. "Hey,how is daddy's birthday boy!" He nibbled a Cheerio stuck on his finger, and then he nibbled his neck. River laughed and shrieked and pulled his hair.

"Would you mind taking him out of the house for a few hours while Michelle and I decorate for the party?" Val asked from the doorway.

"Sure, " he took River from the chair, trying to be helpful. "Maybe we'll go see Uncle Johnny and Aunt Lacey," he said, referring to the safest unangry member of the band. "Maybe we'll go to the beach, or , get a kite and go to the park."

"I thought we could all go to the zoo tomorrow. He really likes the orangutans," she smiled seductively.

Matt looked over the top of River's head at his  wife. He didn't love her and knew he would never love her again. He would have to tell her, but not while he had his son in his arms.  "Sounds good."

"Have you given any more thought to what we talked about on the phone the other night?" she asked shuffling her feet as he moved to grab a diaper bag.

He sighed deeply "C'mon Val, today is our son's birthday party. I don't think it's the time to talk about it."

"I do."She looked up at him and shoved her hair behind her ears, revealing the three carat diamond earrings he'd given her the day she'd given birth to River. "The answer is easy, Matt. Either you've thought about it or you haven't. Either you want to fix this family or you don't."

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