A Love Like War

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By All Time Low

Fail-safe trigger, lock-down call

Wipe the dry clean-slate, quick, sound the alarm

No escape from the truth and the weight of it all

I am caught in the web of a lie

And the bitch of it all is that I'm running from

The desire of the people to whom I belong

At the end of the day you can tell me I'm wrong

'Cause you went to all of this trouble

Kate Walters lived in the big house on the hill with an awesome detached garage that Charlie and her friends loved to practice in. Because it was such a big lot, the neighbors weren't too close and there were less noise complaints. But because Kate tended to get herself in trouble more often than not, the garage was usually off limits. Today Kate's mother had made an exception. It was probably the fact that Kate had been grounded and inside the house getting on her nerves over the weekend that cause her mom to let them hold rehearsal there.

When Charlie walked up the driveway carrying her bass, Kate and Malcolm their drummer were already setup and playing some Fall Out Boy.

"That sounded like shit by the way without the bass," Charlie threw out as she moved toward the bass amp.

"I thought it sounded okay," Malcolm said as he looked at Kate. "Sure did," she agreed.

"Well, thanks for waiting for the rest of us," Charlie said sarcastically

Kate rolled her eyes "Not all of us slept late because they went to see Avenged Sevenfold last night."

"Then all of us shouldn't have failed the history exam on Thursday to get grounded," Charlie replied and Malcolm hit his drums and produced the BA-DUM-TSSH sound to punctuate the shot.

Kate shook her head smiling "Screw you, Bass."

"Screw you ten times over," Charlie replied plugging in her cable.

She ran her fingers over the four strings warming up for a minute or so but the silence caught her attention. She looked up to find Kate staring at her. "What?"

"Well? How was it?" the younger girl asked.

Charlie bit her bottom lip. So much to tell and where to start. "We should probably wait for Kelsey and Chris."

"You can tell it again when they get here. Besides Kelsey was there."

"Yeah true but there is kinda more to the story than just the concert."

Kate's eyes narrowed "What do you mean more?"

"Well the concert was great," Charlie offered.

"And the meet and greet?" Malcolm chimed in tapping his snares.

Charlie's large smile grew. "It was fucking amazing."

"What did they smell like?" Kate asked.

"Are you serious?" Malcolm stopped his tapping "They met some of the great musicians ever and you want to know what they smell like."

"Wouldn't you want to know what Adriana Lima smells like?" Kate asked about Malcolm's favorite Victoria's Secret model.

"Hell no," he said quickly "I'd want to know what she feels like though."

Charlie laughed. "Syn smelled like cigarettes, sweat and dial soap."

"Mountain Fresh or regular?" Kate asked and Malcolm shook his head "What the fuck Katie?"

What She's Doing Now (Sequel to The Great Pretenders)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt