Ready When You Are

462 28 5

By Trapt

Another game of charades
Don't you know everybody plays
I don't want to lose to you that way
Maybe we'll be different this time around
Maybe we'll be different I don't know
Don't want to strangle this, so I'm holding back for now

Getting on the bus the next morning both Matt and Brian were foul and grumpy. Everyone could understand why Matt was upset but Brian's temper was a mystery.

"Sure is quiet without the girls," Johnny said in a low tone to Arin and Zacky as they boarded and both men agreed wholeheartedly. The little girls were a source of entertainment and fascination for the guys as none had ever spent that much time teenaged females.
"I'm just hoping it works out," Arin said always trying to be optimistic.
Zacky shook his head. He knew Lucy better than most and he knew she was stubborn. "I don't know, man. She went all mama bear on him."
"For good reason though," Johnny said with a head tilt.
"True," Zacky and Arin replied in sync.
"What the fuck is wrong with Brian though? Did I miss something there, " Johnny asked.
"Zoey maybe?" Arin chimed in.
"Wouldn't doubt it," Zacky conceded, knowing his sister all too well.

"You gonna ask him?" Arin questioned.

"Nope," Zacky shook his head vigorously. "I stay out of their shit. He'll snap out of it."

"And Matt?" Johnny asked "Should we do anything there?"

"What can we do, short of begging Lucy not to leave?" Arin asked.

"We could do that," Johnny said.
"Nah we gotta let play out too,"Zacky replied as his cell phone buzzed. The display reflected his little sister's name. He opened the text message.

"Lucy gone?"
Zacky frowned but replying "Not sure. Not on bus or with us. Assume she's flying home."
"Damn." Came the one word reply.
Zacky didn't want to meddle but he couldn't help but ask "Any ideas why Brian is pissy?"
After about five minutes and watching the stupid three dots that meant she was responding, the reply came "can't make it for his birthday. He's not happy with me. Have to fly back to LA for New Politics press junket."
That made sense, Zacky thought. He was sure if Meaghan had promised to come out and then bailed he'd be bummed too. But rationally, Zoey had a job to do. Zacky was sure he'd get over it.
"He'll deal," Zacky replied.
"Hope so."she responded "have an idea...bought Matt, Lucy and Charlie."
"Stay out of it Zoe. You need to worry bout Syn."
"Got a plan for that too, but you probably don't want to hear that one."
"TMI, Zoey, but focus on that and don't meddle."
"Just hear me out Zack...."
He looked over at Matt who was staring blankly into space as he made his way to the bunk area and Brian who was tossing shit around roughly. He did not want to spend the rest of the tour with these mopey assholes.
His fingers typed quickly "Okay ZB3, what have you got?

Matt looked behind him to make sure he was alone before he dialed Larry's number. His mother had made a perfect suggestion and he wanted to make sure it was done right.

"Matt!" the cheery voice came on the other end "what's going on? how is the tour going?"

"Hey Larry, we're doing good. On our way to Grand Prairie and then Houston."

"The Dallas show was good?"

"It was great. Went off without a hitch."

"Good, what can I do you for today?"

Matt took a deep breath "Larry, I need a press release."

"A press release?"

"Yes, I have something I need to announce."

"Okay," Larry replied curiously "Let me get a pen."

After a few minutes, he returned to the line "Okay...I'm ready."

"This is what I need it to say...."


Lucy's mind filled with so many thoughts on their trek home. How different her life was just mere weeks ago. How normal. If only she hadn't let Charlie talk her into letting her go to that damn concert. No that wasn't right. She knew Matt and Charlie meeting and knowing about each other was the right thing. It had cleared her conscience of the guilt she'd carried for so long, keeping him the dark. But she should never have let her tour with him. They shouldn't have jumped into anything. They should have taken it step by step, slowly. The getting to know you process, the announcements. Instead they hit the accelerator (including her jumping into bed with him) and now things were shit. And Lucy had done the same thing she did before, she ran away. She'd convinced herself that taking Charlie away would undo all the hurt she encountered. She knew after years of pining for Matt that it wouldn't ever go away. But it would lessen and she'd learn to live with it. And maybe when she was older, they could try again...when he was more ready.

Poor Kate wasn't ecstatic when they dropped her off at her home but she managed to smile as Charlie walked her to her door and said a genuine "Thanks Chuck, I really did have a great time."
"No thank you Kate," Charlie said in reply "for being there and being my friend. For not getting caught up in the awe of things and just being my friend."
Kate blushed "I've always got your back, Chuck."
"I know."
"I will miss those guys," Kate said thoughtfully
Charlie managed a half smile "You mean Brian."
"Like you won't miss Zacky."
Charlie sighed. Both of her future husband options were taken away.
"It was a good time," Kate offered.

"It was fun for a while," Charlie said sadly."while it lasted."

Kate smiled at her friend "Are you kidding, Chuck, it was great. How many of our classmates can say they toured with a rock band over the summer? And how many can say their dad is M Shadows?"

"I can't," Charlie replied miserably "He doesn't want anyone to know."

Kate looked at the doorway where her mother was looking out of the window but making no effort to engage them. She picked up her bag. "He made a mistake."

"A big one," Charlie said shuffling her feet.

"Your mom made one too...and you forgave her." Kate reminded her.

"That was different."

"No it wasn't. It's the same. And you've got to give him the same chance you gave her."

Charlie twisted her lips considering "Maybe."

"Think it over," Kate said grabbing the knob of her front.
Charlie gave her friend a nod "I will."
After exchanging goodbyes and promises to talk later, Lucy and Charlie finally walked through the door of their home. They exchanged few words as they settled in.
Charlie grabbed a snack as Lucy sorted through mail sitting in the very seat Matt had occupied just a week or so before.
Lucy watched as Charlie served herself a bowl of cereal. "How are you doing, Charlie?"
The young girl looked up at her with a face of surprise. She looked so much like Matt that it made Lucy's heart ached. "I'm fine, mom. Really."
"Are you sure?" She asked putting the mail to the side.
"I'm sure," Charlie said sadly "it just didn't work out the way I thought it would."
"He's just needs to get some things straight in his life right now."
Charlie's eyes teared up "I know," she replied in a tiny voice as the tears began to flow.
Lucy was off of her chair with her arms around her daughter, comforting her. "No matter what Charlie it'll be okay. We will get through this."
Charlie resisted the urge to sob as she held on to her mothers shirt tightly.
"Shhh," Lucy said soothingly "there now. Don't cry."
Neither knew how long they stood there before the doorbell rang.

Lucy's pulse raced not sure if she was hoping it was or wasn't Matt.

"Who could that be?"Charlie asked wiping the tears under her eyes.

"Let's go see," Lucy gave her daughter a timid smile. Charlie followed nervously as her mom looked through the peephole and her smile widened.

She pulled the door open quickly to find Chris standing there holding a large Starbuck cup, a bag of M&M's almond and some DVD's.

"Heard you were back in town," he shrugged "and needed some cheering up. So I brought you a venti Vanilla latte, your fave M&M's and Season 10 of Supernatural."

Charlie ran to him throwing her arms around him. "Oh Christopher, you're the best."

What She's Doing Now (Sequel to The Great Pretenders)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin