Chapter 2 - Work, Work, Work

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I made my way into my place of work. It was nothing special, just a generic kids pizzeria, with goofy ass robots. None of those snot colored animals could compare to my stunning husband.
Though work was enjoyable, my first choice of place would always be at home with Springtrap.

"Y/N!" My coworker yelled from behind the front counter.
"Shannon." I greeted in response. "Anything need tightened up before we open?" I asked, leaning against the counter.
"Actually yeah, Jared said Candy's experiencing a jittery neck. Might wanna check that out, maybe try and brush the dust from his collar?" Suggested Shannon.
I saluted her. "Will do boss." Before walking off to tend to the robots.

I found myself in the back of the restaurant. I saw Jared struggling to move the Candy animatronic to the repair station. I quickly ran over, lending him a hand.
"I got it." I assured him, straightening out the blue cat.
Jared pulled away, heaving a long sigh. "Thanks Y/N, that cotton candy feline was about to crush me."
"No problem." I answered, wheeling the animatronic away.
Jared padded over, his hands in his pockets. "By the way, we got some newbies coming in here in an hour, ya mind teaching them the basics for me? I gotta clock out early today to make it to my nieces wedding on time." Asked Jared.
I gave my manager a nod. "Sure thing, and tell your niece congratulations for me, will ya?"
Jared turned towards me once more before leaving, giving me a thumbs up. "Will do, Y/N." And with that, Jared left, leaving me alone with Candy the Cat.

After awhile of fiddling with the robots head, I finally loosened up the tension on its neck, letting it move its neck smoothly again.
I flipped my wrench in my hand, wiping the sweat from my forward, and sighing. "That might be my quickest fix yet." I said, placing my hands on my hips.

"Y/N?" I heard Shannon called from behind.
I turned to look at her, seeing her with two other people standing beside her.
"Oh, looks like your done with Candy." Shannon smiled, looking the robot up and down. "I'll take this ol' boy back out to the stage for ya. In the mean time, would you care to show our new friends the ropes?" Shannon questioned, taking the handles of the platform Candy stood on.
I set my wrench down on the table beside me, scratching the back of my neck. "Of course."
Shannon began moving the robot. "Thanks Y/N, appreciate it."

I waved a fairwell to her, as I turned to face the new recruits. "Alright, first things first, your names and mechanic qualifications?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Chi-" The one on the right began, before getting a good shove to the side. "-Chichi!" They cleared their throat. "My name is Chichi and my field of expertise is heavy equipment." They answered, awkwardly waving their arms back and forth.
I nodded, turning my attention to the person on the left. "What about you?"
"Francis, and small engine mechanics." He replied confidently.
I smirked. "Alrighty then, Chichi, Francis, let's get to training!" I clapped my hands together, turning away. "I had about a week of training before finally being able to work on my own, so I'd say you two will probably have the same." I picked up a rag, quickly wiping down my station. "And a little word of advice, don't worry too much about screwing up during your training, trust me, there's no point in getting all worked up about doing anything wrong." I tossed the rag aside, leaning against the counter. "I was hella nervous during my first week, but Shannon and Jared are great managers, so they won't give y'all a hard time."
They both nodded, while Francis spoke up. "You must be a pretty good mechanic since you're gonna be training both of us without you're bosses?" He raised an eyebrow.
I shrugged. "I suppose you could say that."
"I hope ya don't mind me asking, but what do you do for practice?" Francis leaned in closer towards me.
"Oh uh." I slipped up on my words, obviously I couldn't tell them I usually use Springtrap's suit as my crash test dummy. "Oh ya know, just normal stuff that breaks down around my house. Or maybe I'll take something apart on purpose just to rebuild it from scratch." I responded anxiously.
Francis didn't seem too convinced however. "You sure that's all you practice on? I mean, I feel like such a good mechanic, such as yourself, would have better answers for us?"
I heaved a sigh. "Okay, okay, ya got me." I smirked. "The truth is my husband usually brings home broken car parts and other junk for me to work on, though most of it usually taken off the side of the road or from scrap yards. I wouldn't recommend it though, it's more of a hassle then what's it's worth."
Francis didn't seem too pleased with my answer, since his shoulders fell down, and Chichi just stood idly by watching our conversation.
"Anyways." I continued, flipping my wrench in hand. "Let me show ya both the basics."

No Retakes (Springtrap X Reader) (Springtrap & Deliah)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя